Use the sentences to complete the activity.

Statement 1: A study suggested that children who earned an allowance spent their money more carefully than those who did not.

Statement 2: Children should receive an allowance for chores done at home.

Statement 3: With an allowance, children learn about earning money and the value of money.

In 5 sentences, explain which statement is a claim, which is a reason, and which is evidence and in which order the statements should be appear in the paragraph.

In order to structure the paragraph, the statements should appear in the following order:

Statement 2: Children should receive an allowance for chores done at home.
Statement 3: With an allowance, children learn about earning money and the value of money.
Statement 1: A study suggested that children who earned an allowance spent their money more carefully than those who did not.

The first sentence, Statement 2, serves as a claim because it presents an opinion or position on the topic. It states that children should receive an allowance for chores done at home.

The second sentence, Statement 3, functions as a reason to support the claim. It explains that by receiving an allowance, children can learn about earning money and the value of money. This reason strengthens the claim made in Statement 2.

The third sentence, Statement 1, provides evidence to support the reason mentioned in Statement 3. It mentions a study that suggested that children who earned an allowance spent their money more carefully than those who did not. This evidence further supports the idea that children can learn about the value of money by receiving an allowance.

By structuring the paragraph in this manner, the claim (Statement 2), reason (Statement 3), and evidence (Statement 1) are effectively presented and logically connected.