Rebecca has 0.76 miles left to go in her cross country race.

Which fraction is equivalent to the distance, in miles, left in her race?

9 over 20

6 sevenths

11 over 15

19 over 25


To determine which fraction is equivalent to 0.76 miles, we need to find a fraction that represents the same portion of a whole as 0.76 represents of 1.

To do this, we can convert 0.76 to a fraction.

0.76 can be written as 76/100 because 0.76 is the same as 76 hundredths.

We can simplify this fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 4.

76/100 simplifies to 19/25.

Therefore, the fraction equivalent to 0.76 miles is 19/25.

2/3 of the students at Lamar High School are girls. Of those girls, 2/3

sing in the school choir. What fraction of students at Lamar High School are girls in choir?

1 3

2 3

2 6

4 3

4 9

To find the fraction of students at Lamar High School who are girls in the choir, we need to multiply the fraction representing the proportion of girls in the school (2/3) by the fraction representing the proportion of girls in the choir (2/3).

First, let's multiply the numerators: 2 * 2 = 4.
Then, let's multiply the denominators: 3 * 3 = 9.

So, the fraction of students at Lamar High School who are girls in the choir is 4/9.

Therefore, the correct answer is E) 4/9.

Twenty-four pencils are in a package. The students use

of the pencils. How many did they use?
A 8 pencils8 pencils
B 9 pencils9 pencils
C 12 pencils12 pencils
D 18 pencils

To determine how many pencils the students used, we need to find "one-sixth of 24."

To find one-sixth of a number, we divide it by 6.

24 divided by 6 is 4.

So, the students used 4 pencils.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) 8 pencils.

At West High School,

of the students play a sport. Of the students who play a sport,

play football. What fraction of the students at West High School play football?

1 10

1 3

1 5

2 3

To find the fraction of students at West High School who play football, we need to multiply the fraction representing the proportion of students who play a sport (1/3) by the fraction representing the proportion of students who play football.

First, let's multiply the numerators: 1 * 1 = 1.
Then, let's multiply the denominators: 3 * 5 = 15.

So, the fraction of students who play football is 1/15.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) 1/15.