Consider the relation race. Which code would display the number of runners from each country? (1 point) Responses race["country"].value_counts() race["country"].value_counts() country.value_counts() country.value_counts() race.value_counts() race.value_counts() race["country"].info()


The code that would display the number of runners from each country is:


To display the number of runners from each country in the relation "race", you would use the code:


Here's how you can interpret and understand the code:

1. "race["country"]": This selects the column "country" from the "race" relation.

2. ".value_counts()": This method counts the occurrences of each unique value in the selected column and returns the counts in descending order. In this case, it will return the number of runners from each country.

So, by running the code "race["country"].value_counts()", you will get the desired result, which is the number of runners from each country in the "race" relation.