Rebecca has 0.76 miles left to go in her cross country race.

Which fraction is equivalent to the distance, in miles, left in her race?

A 9/20
9 over 20
B 6/7
6 sevenths
C 11/15
11 over 15
D 19/25

To find the equivalent fraction, we need to simplify 0.76.

First, we can multiply both the numerator and denominator by 100 to get rid of the decimal point:

0.76 * 100 = 76/100

Next, we can simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 4:

76/100 ÷ 4/4 = 19/25

Therefore, the fraction equivalent to 0.76 is D) 19/25.

2/3 of the students at Lamar High School are girls. Of those girls, 2/3

sing in the school choir. What fraction of students at Lamar High School are girls in choir?
A 1/3

B 2/3

C 2/6

D 4/3

E 4/9

To find the fraction of students at Lamar High School who are girls in the choir, we need to multiply the fractions for girls at the school and girls in the choir.

First, we can find the fraction of girls at the school by multiplying 2/3 (girls) by 1 (since all the girls are at the school):

2/3 * 1 = 2/3

Next, we can find the fraction of girls in the choir by multiplying 2/3 (girls in the choir) by 1 (since all the girls in the choir are girls):

2/3 * 1 = 2/3

Now, we can multiply these two fractions to find the fraction of students at Lamar High School who are girls in the choir:

2/3 * 2/3 = (2 * 2) / (3 * 3) = 4/9

Therefore, the fraction of students at Lamar High School who are girls in the choir is E) 4/9.

Twenty-four pencils are in a package. The students use 3/8

of the pencils. How many did they use?

To find out how many pencils the students used, we can multiply the fraction used by the total number of pencils.

3/8 * 24 = (3 * 24) / 8 = 72/8

Now we need to simplify the fraction. 72 and 8 have a common factor of 8.

72/8 ÷ 8/8 = 9/1

Therefore, the students used 9 pencils.

At West High School, 2/5

of the students play a sport. Of the students who play a sport, 1/4
play football. What fraction of the students at West High School play football?

To find the fraction of students at West High School who play football, we need to multiply the fractions for students who play a sport and students who play football.

First, we can find the fraction of students who play a sport by multiplying 2/5 (students who play a sport) by 1 (since all the students who play a sport are students):

2/5 * 1 = 2/5

Next, we can find the fraction of students who play football by multiplying 1/4 (students who play football) by 1 (since all the students who play football are students who play a sport):

1/4 * 1 = 1/4

Now, we can multiply these two fractions to find the fraction of students at West High School who play football:

2/5 * 1/4 = (2 * 1) / (5 * 4) = 2/20

Therefore, the fraction of students at West High School who play football is 2/20, which simplifies to 1/10.

What is the value of the expression -13(21 4/9)

To simplify the expression -13(21 4/9), we first need to convert the mixed number 21 4/9 to an improper fraction.

To convert 21 4/9 to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (21) by the denominator (9) and add the numerator (4):

21 * 9 = 189
189 + 4 = 193

So, 21 4/9 as an improper fraction is 193/9.

Now, we can simplify the expression:

-13 * 193/9 = -2513/9

Therefore, the value of the expression -13(21 4/9) is -2513/9.


278 7
9278 7 9
8 1
48 1 4
-278 7
9-278 7 9
-34 1