Trey is running in a race. He has completed 14 of the race so far. He has already run 1.2 miles. How much more of the race does Trey have? Responses 1.6 miles 1.6 miles 5.2 miles 5.2 miles 4.8 miles 4.8 miles 0.3 miles

To find out how much more of the race Trey has, we can subtract the distance he has already run from the total distance of the race.

Total distance of the race - Distance Trey has already run = Remaining distance

The total distance of the race is not mentioned in the given information, so we cannot determine the exact remaining distance.

To find out how much more of the race Trey has left, we need to subtract the distance he has already completed from the total distance of the race.

The total distance of the race is not provided in the question. Can you please provide the total distance of the race?

To solve this question, we need to determine how much more of the race Trey has left after already completing 1.2 miles. Since Trey has completed 14 miles of the race so far, and he has already run 1.2 miles, we can subtract the distance he has already run from the total distance of the race.

Total distance of the race - Distance completed = Distance remaining

In this case:

14 miles - 1.2 miles = 12.8 miles

Therefore, Trey has 12.8 miles more to run in the race.