Assess how geographic information system (GIS) analysis could be used to increase the number of customers that shop at a store. (1 point) Responses identify the addresses of all the residences within five miles of the store so coupons can be sent to them identify the addresses of all the residences within five miles of the store so coupons can be sent to them Geographic information system (GIS) cannot be used for this type of analysis. Geographic information system (GIS) cannot be used for this type of analysis. track an individual customer’s route to and from the store to determine traffic flow problems track an individual customer’s route to and from the store to determine traffic flow problems capture images of the terrain around the store to identify physical barriers to access

Assessing how geographic information system (GIS) analysis could be used to increase the number of customers that shop at a store involves understanding the potential capabilities of GIS. From the given options, the most suitable response is:

Identify the addresses of all the residences within five miles of the store so coupons can be sent to them.

By utilizing GIS, a store can accurately map out the residential areas within a specific radius of the store. This information enables targeted marketing efforts, such as sending coupons or special offers, to potential customers living nearby. This method increases the likelihood of attracting new customers and potentially increasing the store's customer base.