John and Chris play soccer on separate teams. John's team practices 6 hours every 2 days and Chris's team practices 8 hours every 4 days. Match each soccer player to the graph that represents the average number of hours that they practice each day per week.


john : Graph B

chris : Graph A

The following graph represents the amount that Sarah and Luke charge for their graphic designs.

The red line represents the amount Sarah charges

The blue line represents the amount Luke charges

Which of the following statements is true? Select all that apply

A. The rate of change for each line represents the amount each person charges per hour for their graphics

B. Luke charges $10 for 2 hours of photography services

C. Sarah's rate of change is $15 per hour

D. Luke's rate of change is greater than Sarah's rate of change

E. Sarah charges $60 for 3 hours

Without a specific graph or information about the rates of change and prices, it is not possible to determine which statements are true.

red is (1,15)

blue (3,15)

Based on the given information, the graph for Sarah's charges would be a horizontal line passing through the point (1,15) and the graph for Luke's charges would be a horizontal line passing through the point (3,15).

Given this information, the correct statements would be:

A. The rate of change for each line represents the amount each person charges per hour for their graphics - False. Since both lines are horizontal, the rate of change is zero for both Sarah and Luke.

B. Luke charges $10 for 2 hours of photography services - False. Based on the given information, there is no information about Luke's charges for different hour amounts, only his charge at the point (3,15).

C. Sarah's rate of change is $15 per hour - False. As mentioned before, the rate of change for Sarah's line is zero since it is horizontal.

D. Luke's rate of change is greater than Sarah's rate of change - False. Since both lines are horizontal and have the same y-coordinate (charge), their rates of change are equal.

E. Sarah charges $60 for 3 hours - False. The given graph does not provide any information about Sarah's charges for 3 hours.