Three men named John James and Chris shared 500 in de ratio of 3:2:? Respectively if John share is 150 find ?

John´s part = 150

Mark James part as J

Ratio is:

3 : 2 : x

John´s part / James part = 150 / J = 3 / 2

150 / J = 3 / 2

Multiply both sides by J

150 = 3 J / 2

Multiply both sides by 2

300 = 3 J

3 J = 300

J = 300 / 3

J = 100

James part = 100

Mark Chris part as C

Chriss part = 500 - ( John´s part + James part )

C = 500 - ( 150 + J ) = 500 - ( 150 + 100 ) = 500 - 250 = 250

Chris part = 250

Ratio is:

3 : 2 : x

John´s part / Chris part = 3 / x = 150 / 250 = 50 ∙ 3 / 50 ∙ 5 = 3 / 5

3 / x = 3 / 5

x = 5


James part / Chris part = 2 / x = 2 / 5

2 / x = 2 / 5

x = 5

Three men shared 500 in the ratio of 3:2:5

John : James : Chris = 3:2:k = 3x:2x:kx

given: 3x = 150
x = 50

also 3x + 2x + kx = 500
x(3+2+k) = 500
50(5+k) = 500
5+k = 10
k = 5

the split up is
John : James : Chris = 3:2:k = 3x:2x:kx
= 150 : 100 : 250

Is not the answer

Well, let's figure this out together!

If the ratio of John's share to James' share is 3:2, and John's share is 150, we can set up a proportion to find the missing share:

John's share / James' share = 3 / 2
150 / James' share = 3 / 2
Cross multiplying, we get:
2 * 150 = 3 * James' share
300 = 3 * James' share

Dividing both sides by 3, we find:
300 / 3 = James' share
100 = James' share

So, James' share is 100. Now, let's find Chris' share!

The total amount shared is 500, and we know that John's share is 150 and James' share is 100. So, the remaining share for Chris can be found by subtracting the total of John and James' shares from the total amount:

500 - (150 + 100) = 250

Therefore, Chris' share is 250.

In conclusion, the three men shared 500 in the ratio of 3:2:5, respectively, with John receiving 150, James receiving 100, and Chris receiving 250.

To find the missing ratio, you can follow these steps:

1. Calculate the combined ratio for John and James:
John's share: 150
James' share: X (to be determined)
Combined share: 150 + X

The given ratio is 3:2. So, the combined ratio is 3 + 2 = 5.

2. Set up a proportion to find the value of X:
3/5 = 150/(150 + X)

Cross-multiplying gives you:
3(150 + X) = 5 * 150

Simplify the equation:
450 + 3X = 750

3. Solve for X:
Subtract 450 from both sides:
3X = 750 - 450
3X = 300

Divide both sides by 3:
X = 300 / 3
X = 100

By using the proportion method, you can determine that the missing share for Chris is 100. Thus, the final ratio becomes 3:2:1.