John runs at 12 km/h. How far does John run in 2.5 hours?

John runs at 12

km/h. How far does John run in 2.5

distance = speed * time

distance = 12 km/h * 2.5 h
distance = 30 km

Therefore, John runs 30 km in 2.5 hours.

If Jason earns $24

/h, and has worked 4.5
hours with a 30
minute unpaid break, how much has he earnt?

To calculate the amount Jason has earned, we first need to determine the total hours worked.

Total hours worked = hours worked - unpaid break
Total hours worked = 4.5 hours - 0.5 hours
Total hours worked = 4 hours

Now that we know Jason worked for 4 hours, we can calculate his earnings:

Earnings = rate * time
Earnings = $24/hour * 4 hours
Earnings = $96

Therefore, Jason has earned $96.

If Ally earns $20

/h, how much will Ally have earnt in 3.5

To calculate Ally's earnings, we need to multiply her hourly rate by the number of hours she worked.

Earnings = Rate * Time

Earnings = $20/hour * 3.5 hours

Earnings = $70

Therefore, Ally will have earned $70 for working 3.5 hours.

Melina's typing speed is 36 wpm (words per minute). She finished a job in 5 hours. How long would the same job have taken her if she typed 48 wpm?

Let's begin by calculating the number of words in the job.

Number of words = typing speed * time

For Melina at 36 wpm, the number of words in the job would be:

Number of words = 36 wpm * 5 hours * 60 minutes

Number of words = 10800 words

Now that we know the number of words, we can calculate how long it would take her at 48 wpm.

Time = number of words / typing speed

Time = 10800 words / 48 wpm / 60 minutes

Time = 3.125 hours or 3 hours and 8 minutes (rounded to the nearest minute)

Therefore, if Melina typed at 48 wpm, the same job would have taken her approximately 3 hours and 8 minutes to complete.

a triangle has height and base dimensions in in a ratio of 3:7 If a particular triangle has a height of 9cm, what is the length of its base?

Let's start by using the ratio between the height and base of the triangle:

height : base = 3 : 7

We know that the height of the triangle is 9 cm, so we can set up an equation to solve for the base:

3/7 = 9/x

where x is the length of the base.

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

3x = 7 * 9
3x = 63
x = 21

Therefore, the length of the base of the triangle is 21 cm.