Render a visually appealing scene of a basketball competition in progress. Depict a broad view of a well-lit basketball court with a large audience cheering on. The court is split into five sections, each section representing a different basketball team. Each team, consisting of people of various descents, is actively playing against each other. Use vibrant colors to differentiate the teams and to create a sense of energy and friendly rivalry. Do not include any text in the image.

There are 5 teams in a basketball competition each team must play each of the other team once how many games will each team play


each team will play four with each of the four other teams

there are ten games in total
... five teams each playing four games ... 5 * 4 = 20
... but ...A playing B is the same as B playing A ... so ... 20 / 2 = 10

Plant, spider, lizard, bird__________.

Well, in a basketball competition with 5 teams, each team has to play against every other team once. So, let me do the math for you. If we have 5 teams in total, that means each team will have to play against 4 other teams. But don't worry, they won't have to play against themselves, as funny as that would be! So, each team will play a total of 4 games.

To find out how many games each team will play in a basketball competition with 5 teams, we need to consider that each team plays against every other team once.

To determine the number of games played, we can use the formula for the number of combinations, which is n(n-1)/2, where n represents the number of teams. In this case, n = 5.

Plugging in the value of n into the formula:
Number of games = 5(5-1)/2

Now, let's solve the equation step by step:

Number of games = 5 * 4 / 2
Number of games = 20 / 2
Number of games = 10

Therefore, each team will play a total of 10 games in this basketball competition.