28. I am grading your understanding of the material, not your reading comprehension or

writing skills.
Your job is to help me know what you know about the information in Unit 4.
Please fully address all parts of the prompt in whatever way feels best to you (for
example: list, essay, short answer).
If you have an accommodation for verbal responses, please say so in the answer box
and then schedule a call or LL with me at mosbycogswell.youcanbook.me
Choose ONE of the following prompts to address:
Prompt Topic: Rights of Citizens in Court and Protective Rights
• List the protections in the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments.
• Choose ONE of those amendments to go into deeper:
o Summarize the amendment in your own words
o Provide a real-world example of the protections in the amendment.
o Discuss why you chose to focus on the amendment.
Prompt Topic: Citizenship
• Explain the difference between birthright citizenship and naturalized citizenship in
the U.S.
• List and describe the naturalization process in the United States.
• Discuss how U.S. citizenship has included, excluded, and expanded to include
different populations of people.
• Explain why learning about U.S. citizenship and immigration policies is important.

Prompt Topic: Rights of Citizens in Court and Protective Rights

Protections in the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments:

4th Amendment:
- Protection against unreasonable searches and seizures
- Requires warrants to be based on probable cause
- Protects individuals' privacy and property

5th Amendment:
- Protection against self-incrimination
- Right to due process
- Protection against double jeopardy
- Right to fair compensation for private property taken by the government

6th Amendment:
- Right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury
- Right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation
- Right to confront witnesses against you
- Right to have assistance of counsel for defense

Choosing to focus on the 6th Amendment:

- The 6th Amendment guarantees essential rights for individuals accused of a crime, ensuring a fair and just trial process.
- Real-world example:
Suppose John is accused of committing a crime. The 6th Amendment guarantees him the right to a speedy and public trial, allowing him to resolve the accusation promptly and in a transparent manner. John can exercise his right to confront the witnesses against him, enabling him to question their credibility and potentially challenge their testimonies. Furthermore, the right to legal counsel ensures that John can have someone knowledgeable and experienced to represent him, protecting his interests during the trial.
- I chose to focus on the 6th Amendment because it safeguards crucial rights for individuals involved in criminal cases. This amendment ensures fairness, transparency, and protection for those accused of crimes, which are fundamental pillars of a just legal system.