Imani asked the students in her class to choose their favorite type of reading material. She presented the results of the survey in a bar graph.

A bar graph is titled Reading Material. A vertical bar labeled graphic novels has a height of 4. A vertical bar labeled historical fiction has a height of 5. A vertical bar labeled nonfiction has a height of 3. A vertical bar labeled poetry has a height of 2. A vertical bar labeled short stories has a height of 6.

Select the two statements that correctly interpret the bar graph.

Twice as many students chose graphic novels than chose poetry.

Half as many students chose graphic novels than chose short stories.

More students prefer to read historical fiction than those who prefer to read short stories.

There are 20 students in Imani’s class.

The fewest students chose nonfiction.

A. Twice as many students chose graphic novels than chose poetry.

C. More students prefer to read historical fiction than those who prefer to read short stories.

A. Twice as many students chose graphic novels than chose poetry.

C. More students prefer to read historical fiction than those who prefer to read short stories.

The two statements that are correctly interpreted from the bar graph are:

A. Twice as many students chose graphic novels than chose poetry.

E. The fewest students chose nonfiction.

To interpret the bar graph and determine the correct statements, we need to look at the heights of the bars representing the different types of reading material.

A. Twice as many students chose graphic novels than chose poetry.
This statement is not correct. The bar representing graphic novels has a height of 4, and the bar representing poetry has a height of 2. This means that there are 2 students who chose poetry, which is not twice the number of students who chose graphic novels.

B. Half as many students chose graphic novels than chose short stories.
This statement is not correct. The bar representing graphic novels has a height of 4, and the bar representing short stories has a height of 6. This means that there are more students who chose short stories than chose graphic novels, not half as many.

C. More students prefer to read historical fiction than those who prefer to read short stories.
This statement is correct. The bar representing historical fiction has a height of 5, and the bar representing short stories has a height of 6. This means that there are more students who prefer to read short stories than choose historical fiction.

D. There are 20 students in Imani's class.
This statement cannot be determined from the given information. The heights of the bars do not directly provide information about the number of students in the class.

E. The fewest students chose nonfiction.
This statement is correct. The bar representing nonfiction has a height of 3, which is the smallest height among all the bars. Therefore, the fewest students chose nonfiction.

The correct statements are C and E.