27. I am grading your understanding of the material, not your reading comprehension or

writing skills.
Your job is to help me know what you know about the information in Unit 4.
Please fully address all parts of the prompt in whatever way feels best to you (for
example: list, essay, short answer).
If you have an accommodation for verbal responses, please say so in the answer box
and then schedule a call or LL with me at mosbycogswell.youcanbook.me
Choose ONE of the following prompts to address:
Prompt Topic: Civil Liberties
• List the five liberties guaranteed under the First Amendment.
• Choose TWO of those liberties in the First Amendment to go into deeper:
o For each of the two liberties provide a real-world example to show why the
civil liberty is important in America.
o Explain why you chose to focus on each of the two civil liberties.
o Be sure to provide enough details to show that you understand what these
two liberties are about and what their importance is in the real world.
Prompt Topic: Civil Rights
• Identify two of the U.S. laws and policies that protect civil rights in the U.S.
• Choose TWO civil rights issues addressed in the class to go into deeper:
For each of the two civil rights issues, provide a real-world example to
show how people have fought for those rights in America and the
response of American government and policy.
o Explain why you chose to focus on each of the two civil rights issues.
o Be sure to provide enough details to show that you understand what these
two civil rights are about and what their importance is in the real world.

Prompt Topic: Civil Liberties

The five liberties guaranteed under the First Amendment are:

1. Freedom of speech: This liberty allows individuals to express their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs freely without fear of censorship or punishment. It ensures that people can engage in political discourse, advocate for social change, and criticize the government, among other things.

2. Freedom of religion: This liberty grants individuals the right to practice any religion or no religion at all. It prohibits the government from establishing an official religion and protects individuals from being forced to adhere to a particular religious belief.

3. Freedom of the press: This liberty safeguards the media's ability to report news and information objectively, independently, and without interference from the government. It plays a vital role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and the dissemination of factual information to the public.

4. Freedom of assembly: This liberty allows individuals to gather peacefully in public or private spaces for various purposes, such as protesting, rallying, or holding meetings. It provides a platform for citizens to voice their concerns, collectively seek change, and participate in political activities.

5. Freedom to petition the government: This liberty enables individuals to address their grievances, request assistance, or seek changes in government policies, laws, or actions. It serves as a means for citizens to have a direct impact on policymaking and hold the government accountable.

Choosing to focus on freedom of speech and freedom of religion:

Freedom of speech is crucial in America as it allows individuals to express their ideas, challenge societal norms, and contribute to an open marketplace of ideas. For example, during the Civil Rights Movement, activists like Martin Luther King Jr. made use of freedom of speech to advocate for racial equality, challenge segregation laws, and inspire millions through his speeches and sermons. This liberty empowers citizens to work towards positive societal change by fostering dialogue, exposing injustices, and holding those in power accountable.

Freedom of religion is equally important as it safeguards individuals' rights to practice their faith or choose not to follow any religion. An illustrative example of the importance of this civil liberty is the case of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby (2014). Hobby Lobby, a privately-owned corporation with religious beliefs, challenged the Affordable Care Act's requirement to provide contraceptive coverage for its employees, arguing that it violated their religious freedom. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby, recognizing that closely-held corporations can hold religious beliefs and are protected under the First Amendment. This demonstrates how freedom of religion ensures individuals can freely exercise their religious beliefs without undue interference from the government.

I chose to focus on these two civil liberties because they are foundational to a democratic society, enabling individuals to express themselves freely and live according to their beliefs. They play a vital role in promoting diversity, fostering social progress, and safeguarding individual autonomy. Their real-world examples highlight how they have been utilized in American history and the impact they have on shaping societal values and legal decisions.