What teachers accomplish in their profession is a function of the person they are" (Purkey & Stanley, 1991). Using your knowiedge of the invitational model, analyze this statement and

explain how you, as a teacher, would apply this model. (Max 450 words)

The statement "What teachers accomplish in their profession is a function of the person they are" reflects the core principles of the invitational model of education. The invitational model, developed by William Purkey and John M. Novak, emphasizes that the teacher's personal qualities, attitudes, and beliefs strongly influence their effectiveness in the classroom. As a teacher, I would apply the invitational model by embracing the core principles and integrating them into my teaching practice.

One key principle of the invitational model is the belief in the positive nature of humans. According to this model, teachers should create a supportive and welcoming environment that celebrates the strengths and potential of each student. I would apply this principle by fostering a classroom culture that promotes positive interactions, appreciation for diversity, and recognition of individual achievements. By creating a safe and stimulating learning environment, I would encourage students to take risks, engage in critical thinking, and explore their full potential.

Another principle of the invitational model is the concept of "invitational teaching." This approach focuses on fostering positive connections between teachers and students and creating an atmosphere of mutual respect. As a teacher, I would strive to develop authentic relationships with my students, getting to know their interests, needs, and backgrounds. By showing genuine care and concern, I would establish a foundation of trust that allows for open communication and supports optimal learning experiences.

The invitational model also emphasizes the power of language and communication. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping students' self-perception and confidence through their words and actions. I would apply this principle by using positive and affirming language when interacting with students, providing constructive feedback, and recognizing their efforts. By choosing words that empower and motivate, I would help students develop a growth mindset and build resilience in the face of challenges.

Furthermore, the invitational model encourages teachers to embrace the concept of democratic partnership. This means involving students in decision-making, valuing their perspectives, and creating opportunities for active participation in the learning process. As a teacher, I would apply this principle by incorporating student voice and choice into lesson planning, allowing students to set goals, and providing opportunities for collaborative learning. By empowering students to take ownership of their education, I would foster a sense of responsibility and intrinsic motivation.

In conclusion, the invitational model underscores the significant impact of a teacher's personal qualities, attitudes, and beliefs on their effectiveness in the classroom. As a teacher, I would apply this model by creating a positive and supportive learning environment, building authentic relationships with students, using affirming language, and providing opportunities for student engagement and empowerment. Embracing the invitational model would not only enhance my teaching practice but also nurture the holistic development and success of my students.