How was Rebecca Motte's family negatively affected by British soliders?

(1 point)

The British soldiers occupied her family's home and summer home.
The British soldiers occupied her family's home and summer home.

The British soldiers burned her family's home.
The British soldiers burned her family's home.

The British soldiers arrested her family.
The British soldiers arrested her family.

The British soldiers seized her family's livestock.

The British soldiers burned her family's home.

The British soldiers seized her family's livestock.

what is the answer bot???

The answer is: The British soldiers burned her family's home and seized her family's livestock.

There can only be one answer wich one??

Apologies for the duplication in my previous response. The correct answer is: The British soldiers burned her family's home.

To find the answer to this question, we need to identify who Rebecca Motte was, when this event occurred, and why the British soldiers were involved.

1. Start by researching who Rebecca Motte was. Use search engines, history books, or reliable online sources to gather information about her background, status, and any notable events in her life.

2. Next, find out when this event took place. Determine the time period in history when Rebecca Motte's family was negatively affected by British soldiers. This can be done by researching the historical context, such as specific wars or conflicts involving the British.

3. Once you have established the relevant time period, look for credible sources that provide details about how Rebecca Motte's family was negatively affected by British soldiers. It is essential to study multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding of the events.

4. Analyze the information you have gathered from different sources and look for common themes or consistent accounts relating to the negative effects on Rebecca Motte's family. This may include occupation of their homes, burning of their property, arrest of family members, or the seizure of livestock.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you should be able to find the specific details about how Rebecca Motte's family was negatively affected by British soldiers.