What methods did Mohandas Gandhi use to pressure the British to grant India its independence? Select the two correct answers.

attacks on British soldiers

boycotts of British goods

converting the British to Hinduism

protest marches

encouraging tourism

to India

A. boycotts of British goods
D. protest marches


omg im unbanned.

To determine the correct answers, we need to examine the methods that Mohandas Gandhi used to pressure the British to grant India its independence.

A. Attacks on British soldiers: This method is not correct. Mohandas Gandhi was known for his philosophy of nonviolence and he strongly advocated for peaceful methods of resistance. He did not engage in or promote violence against British soldiers.

B. Boycotts of British goods: This method is correct. One of the key tactics employed by Gandhi was the boycott of British goods. He encouraged Indians to stop purchasing British products and instead support local Indian industries. This economic pressure was intended to weaken the British economically and demonstrate the collective strength of the Indian people.

C. Converting the British to Hinduism: This method is not correct. Gandhi did not try to convert the British to Hinduism as a means of achieving India's independence. His approach was inclusive and aimed to foster understanding and cooperation between different religious and ethnic communities.

D. Protest marches: This method is correct. Gandhi used protest marches as a peaceful form of demonstration. He organized massive marches and rallies, such as the Salt March in 1930, to protest against British policies and demand independence. These marches were effective in garnering attention and support both within India and internationally.

E. Encouraging tourism: This method is not correct. Gandhi did not encourage tourism as a strategy to pressure the British for independence. His focus was on nonviolent resistance and mobilizing the Indian population to stand united in their fight for freedom.

Therefore, the two correct methods that Mohandas Gandhi used to pressure the British to grant India its independence were:
B. Boycotts of British goods
D. Protest marches