Ronaldo is setting his fitness goals. His trainer offers him advice about setting quality goals. What is the BEST advice the trainer could give him about goal setting?

(1 point)

Goals should always be long-term.

Goals should always be long-term.

Goals should always be realistic.

Goals should always be realistic.

Goals should always be extremely challenging.

Goals should always be extremely challenging.

Goals should always be approved by other people.

Goals should always be realistic.

Jasmine has set this fitness goal for herself: I will run a four-minute mile by running two sprints three times per week for four months. How would her track coach MOST likely respond to this goal?

(1 point)

It is neither specific nor realistic.

It is neither specific nor realistic.

It is both specific and realistic.

It is both specific and realistic.

It is specific but not realistic.

It is specific but not realistic.

It is realistic but not specific.

It is both specific and realistic.

For the new year, Owen has decided he wants to focus on decreasing his anxiety and improving his mood. Which type of goals would MOST likely help him?

(1 point)

performance-related goals

performance-related goals

mental health goals

mental health goals

body composition goals

body composition goals

challenge-related goals

mental health goals

Taylor has set this fitness goal: I will go to the YMCA and lift weights for 30 minutes every other day for the entire month of January. What is MOST likely TRUE about this goal?

(1 point)

It is a short-term goal.

It is a short-term goal.

It is a long-term goal.

It is a long-term goal.

It is an unrealistic goal.

It is an unrealistic goal.

It is a mental health goal.

It is a short-term goal.

Rashid is about to start a new workout plan. What is the MOST important thing he should do before he begins to ensure his safety?

(1 point)

He should gain extra muscle weight.

He should gain extra muscle weight.

He should write down his weekly goals.

He should write down his weekly goals.

He should tell his friends about his workout plan.

He should tell his friends about his workout plan.

He should identify any potential limitations.

He should identify any potential limitations.

Marcus is drafting his weekly fitness plan. What is MOST important for him to remember?

(1 point)

He should include only one day of rest per week.

He should include only one day of rest per week.

He should split his workout time over three to five sessions.

He should split his workout time over three to five sessions.

He should exercise in the early morning or late evening.

He should exercise in the early morning or late evening.

He should focus on either cardio or strength—not both.