You wash your hands regularly and always before you eat. This is an example of

(1 point)


setting goals.
setting goals.

risky behavior.
risky behavior.

practicing healthful behaviors.

practicing healthful behaviors.

You wash your hands regularly and always before you eat. This is an example of

(1 point)


setting goals.
setting goals.

risky behavior.
risky behavior.

practicing healthful behaviors.

The correct answer is practicing healthful behaviors.

The correct answer is practicing healthful behaviors.

To arrive at this answer, you can use the process of elimination. Start by eliminating the options that do not make sense in relation to washing hands regularly and before eating.

Option 1, advocacy, does not fit because advocacy refers to actively promoting or supporting a cause or idea. Washing hands regularly and before eating is more of a personal hygiene practice rather than a cause being promoted or supported.

Option 2, setting goals, is also irrelevant. Setting goals refers to establishing specific objectives to work towards. While personal hygiene is important, it does not involve setting goals in the same way as, for example, setting personal goals for career advancement or weight loss.

Option 3, risky behavior, can also be eliminated. Washing hands regularly and before eating is actually the opposite of risky behavior. It is a preventive measure to reduce the risk of spreading germs and getting sick.

This leaves us with the final option, practicing healthful behaviors, which aligns well with washing hands regularly and before eating. Practicing healthful behaviors includes adopting habits that contribute to overall well-being, such as keeping clean and hygienic practices.

Therefore, the correct answer is practicing healthful behaviors.