(1) Bruno has been working on taking his general fitness goals and turning them into

specific fitness training goals. Which of Bruno's statements MOST accurately
represents a specific fitness training goal?
O I want to run faster.
© I want to lose weight
O I want to be healthy.
O I want to move more.

(2) Kai is setting fitness goals. Which type of goal is Kai MOST likely to achieve?
@ a vaque goal
© a specitic goal
© an open-ended goal
© an unrealistic goal

(3) Enzo wants to become a faster swimmer. What is the BEST way for him to turn this
into a specific goal?

O He should ask his friends and family to come to his next meet to cheer.
O He should interview fast swimmers about nutrition and fitness plans
O He should focus on the skills he will need to improve his times
O He should boost his serotonin levels by meditating and doing yoga

(4 )To qualify for the Olympics, Moira has written 100 smaller goals to achieve in the
next three months. How should Moira approach these goals to MOST likely reach
her ultimate goal of Olympic qualification?

O She should rush through all of the goals as fast as she can.
O She should try to reach all of the smaller goals at the same time
O She should accomplish many small goals at the same time
O She should master each small goal before moving on to the next one.

(5) If Jay has time for only one type of workout during the week, what would most
fitness experts say would be the MOST beneficial type of workout for Jay to
O an aerobic workout
O a strength training workout
© a flexibility workout
© a core training workout

(6) What is most likely true about cardio fitness
O It is the least essential element of most fitness plans.
O It brings oxygen into the blood and requires people to breathe harder.
O It is recommended that adults get at least 50 minutes of it per week.
O It focuses on core strength by targeting the abdomen, back, and pelvis.

(7) Jasmine is creating her personal fitness plan. What should she include to meet the
weekly guidelines most commonly recommended for adults and teens?

© She should include 150 minutes of strength training activity
© She should include 150 minutes of core training activity
O She should include 150 minutes of aerobic activity
She should include 150 minutes of any type of activit,

(8) When prioritizing workouts for a weekly plan, Mel always puts cardio fitness as a top
priority. What would fitness experts say should be Mel's NEXT highest priority when
it comes to adding another workout to achieve a well-rounded workout plan?

O Coordination exercises should be the next priority
O Agility training should be the next priority
© Flexibility exercises should be the next priority,
Strength training should be the next priority.

(9) Nadine has started lifting weights for 20 minutes twice a week. How is she LEAST
likely to benefit from these strength training workouts?

O She will become more flexible
O She will develop stronger muscles
O She will increase bone strength.
O She will burn more calories.

(10) Mario has just completed an intense core training workout. If he did this workout with
correct form, where might he MOST logically feel sore from this workout?
O in his legs
O in his abdomen
O in his arms
O in his neck

(11) Sanvi is working on core training. Which body part is NOT considered part of her
O her abdomen
O her lower back
O her glutes
O pelvis

(12) Guillermo is holding still for 20 seconds in a position that looks like the top of a push
up in order to work his core muscles. Which exercise is he MOST likely performing?

O the bird dog
O a bridge
O crunches
O a plank

(13) In her gym class, Gretta is asked to perform an exercise that looks like half of a sit-
up. She relaxes her neck and shoulders, tucks her chin, and performs three
repetitions. Which exercise is she MOST likely performing?

O crunches
O planks
O bird dogs
O mountain climbers

(14) Ren is holding a pose in place for 30 seconds. He is on his back and lifting to
engage his glutes, hips, and thighs. Which exercise is he MOST likely performing?

O the bird dog
O a bridge
O crunches
O a mountain climber

(15) Silvia is looking for a more complex core exercise. She wants to work her
coordination and balance as she also works her abs and her back muscles. Which
exercise BEST fits her needs?

O a bridge
O crunches
O the bird dog
O lunges

(1) The most accurate representation of a specific fitness training goal for Bruno would be: "I want to run faster." This statement clearly identifies a specific aspect of fitness that Bruno wants to improve, which is his running speed.

(2) Kai is most likely to achieve a specific goal. Specific goals are clear and well-defined, making them easier to plan and work towards compared to vague goals, open-ended goals, or unrealistic goals.

(3) The best way for Enzo to turn his goal of becoming a faster swimmer into a specific goal is to focus on the skills he will need to improve his times. This means identifying the specific techniques, drills, and training methods that can help him become faster in the water.

(4) To most likely reach her ultimate goal of Olympic qualification, Moira should approach her 100 smaller goals by mastering each small goal before moving on to the next one. By focusing on one goal at a time and ensuring mastery before moving forward, Moira can make steady progress towards her ultimate goal.

(5) If Jay has time for only one type of workout during the week, fitness experts would most likely say that an aerobic workout would be the most beneficial. Aerobic workouts, such as running, swimming, or cycling, help improve cardiovascular health, burn calories, and increase endurance.

(6) It is most likely true that cardio fitness brings oxygen into the blood and requires people to breathe harder. Cardiovascular fitness refers to the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to the muscles during sustained physical activity.

(7) To meet the weekly guidelines most commonly recommended for adults and teens, Jasmine should include 150 minutes of aerobic activity. Aerobic activity, also known as cardio exercise, includes activities that increase heart rate and breathing, such as brisk walking, jogging, or dancing.

(8) When it comes to adding another workout to achieve a well-rounded workout plan, fitness experts would say that strength training should be Mel's next highest priority. Strength training helps build muscle strength, improve bone density, and increase metabolism.

(9) Nadine is least likely to benefit from these strength training workouts in terms of flexibility. While strength training exercises can contribute to overall functional fitness, they do not typically focus on improving flexibility. Stretching exercises or dedicated flexibility workouts would be more effective for improving flexibility.

(10) If Mario did an intense core training workout with correct form, he would most logically feel sore in his abdomen. Core training exercises specifically target the muscles in the abdomen, including the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis.

(11) Pelvis is NOT considered part of Sanvi's core. The core muscles typically include the abdomen, lower back, and glutes, but the pelvis itself is not considered a core muscle.

(12) Guillermo is most likely performing a plank exercise. Holding still in a position that looks like the top of a push-up is characteristic of a plank exercise, which targets the core muscles, including the abdominals and lower back.

(13) Gretta is most likely performing crunches. The description of relaxing her neck and shoulders, tucking her chin, and performing a half sit-up motion aligns with the form and technique used in crunches.

(14) Ren is most likely performing a bridge exercise. Lifting his hips off the ground while lying on his back engages the glutes, hips, and thighs, which are the primary muscles targeted in a bridge exercise.

(15) Silvia's best option for a more complex core exercise that targets coordination, balance, abs, and back muscles would be the bird dog exercise. The bird dog involves balancing on hands and knees while extending and raising opposite arm and leg, engaging multiple core muscles while challenging coordination and balance.