When an advertiser hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it, which propaganda technique is being used?(1 point)






The propaganda technique being used when an advertiser hires a celebrity to endorse a product is testimonial.

The propaganda technique that is being used when an advertiser hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it is testimonial.

The propaganda technique being used when an advertiser hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it is called testimonial.

To understand this, we can break down the propaganda techniques and their definitions:

1. Stereotyping: This technique involves generalizing and making assumptions about a group of people based on limited information or characteristics. It is not applicable to the given scenario.

2. Bandwagon: This technique aims to persuade individuals to do or believe something because "everyone else is doing it." While celebrity endorsements can create a sense of popularity and influence others, it is not the primary technique being utilized.

3. Strawman: A strawman argument involves misrepresenting an opponent's position to make it easier to attack or refute. It is not applicable in the context of celebrity endorsements.

4. Testimonial: This technique involves using a well-known or respected person's statement or endorsement to persuade others. When a celebrity endorses a product, their fame and influence are leveraged to convince consumers that the product is worthy of purchase.

In this case, the advertiser is using the celebrity's reputation and public image to persuade and sell the product to the target audience. The technique being employed is testimonial.