What are two main points of Dananjaya Hettiarachchi speech of 2014 and how they developed

The two main points of Dananjaya Hettiarachchi's speech in 2014 were:

1. Importance of embracing failure: Hettiarachchi emphasized the significance of failure in personal growth and success. He shared his personal story of failing in his first attempt at a public speaking competition and how it pushed him to work harder and improve himself. He developed this point by highlighting the lessons and opportunities that failure presents, such as learning from mistakes, building resilience, and ultimately achieving success through perseverance.

2. Power of self-belief: Hettiarachchi discussed the power of self-belief in overcoming obstacles and achieving one's goals. He emphasized the need to believe in oneself, regardless of external circumstances or others' opinions. He used examples from his own life, such as the challenges he faced being from a small village without access to many resources, and how his unwavering self-belief helped him overcome these obstacles and become a successful speaker. He developed this point by encouraging the audience to identify and unleash their own potential through self-belief and determination, highlighting the transformative impact it can have on one's life.

The two main points of Dananjaya Hettiarachchi's speech in 2014 were the power of storytelling and the importance of self-belief. Let's explore how these points developed in his speech:

1. Power of storytelling: Hettiarachchi emphasized the power of storytelling as a means of captivating and inspiring an audience. He discussed how stories have the ability to engage people on an emotional level, making them more receptive to the message being conveyed. To develop this point, he shared personal anecdotes and experiences, effectively demonstrating the impact of well-crafted stories in capturing attention and conveying ideas.

2. Importance of self-belief: Hettiarachchi highlighted the significance of self-belief in achieving success and overcoming challenges. He spoke about the transformative power of believing in oneself and how it can lead to greater accomplishments. Hettiarachchi shared examples of individuals who had accomplished great things by maintaining a strong belief in their abilities, inspiring the audience to cultivate their own self-belief. Additionally, he provided practical techniques and strategies that individuals could employ to enhance their self-belief, encouraging them to take action and pursue their goals.

By developing these two main points, Hettiarachchi effectively conveyed the importance of storytelling and self-belief in his speech, leaving the audience inspired and motivated to apply these principles in their own lives.

To find the main points of Dananjaya Hettiarachchi's speech from 2014, you will need to locate the speech or transcript. Once you have the speech, follow these steps to identify the main points and how they developed:

1. Read or listen to the speech: Start by familiarizing yourself with the entire speech. Get an understanding of the overall structure and flow of the speech.

2. Identify the introduction: Look for the opening lines where Dananjaya Hettiarachchi introduces himself and sets the tone for his speech. The introduction usually establishes the context and grabs the audience's attention.

3. Look for the thesis statement: The thesis statement is the central argument or main idea of the speech. Look for a clear statement that expresses Hettiarachchi's main objective or message.

4. Identify supporting points: As you read through the speech, look for key arguments, examples, or ideas that support the main thesis statement. These supporting points are usually introduced one-by-one and developed throughout the speech.

5. Analyze how the main points are developed: Pay attention to how Hettiarachchi expands on each supporting point. Look for evidence, examples, anecdotes, or statistics that serve to strengthen and develop his arguments. Consider the structure, logic, and persuasive techniques he employs.

6. Summarize the main points: Once you have identified the main points and their development, summarize them in a concise manner. Capture the essence of what Hettiarachchi is trying to convey, while staying true to his original ideas.

Remember, this process applies to analyzing any speech or piece of communication. By following these steps, you can better understand the main points and how they are developed in Dananjaya Hettiarachchi's 2014 speech.