Speech 1:"i see something". Dananjaya Hettiarachchi Speech 2: "the power of words".Mohammed Qahtani

Category 3: Overall Effectiveness/Impact of Each Address (20 marks

Category 5: The Delivery – Body Language and Voice (20 marks)
Compare the two speakers in terms of speech delivery (use of body language and voice).
You must write two paragraphs (1.5 line spacing in Arial font).
Length of paragraph: not shorter than 250 words and no longer than 300 words.
• Your paragraphs should not be written in bullet form. Write topic sentences, support sentences and closing sentences.
• Important: You must not discuss one speaker in paragraph one and then the next speaker in paragraph two. You need to synthesise your comparisons in both paragraphs.

Consider the following aspects before you write your response:
• Which speaker is more effective and why?
• Overall effective use of voice and body language - motivate your answer.
• Is there anything you would criticise regarding the use of the speakers’ voice?
• What impression do you get from each speaker based on their dress code and general appearance, their voice, and use of body language?

In terms of speech delivery, both Dananjaya Hettiarachchi and Mohammed Qahtani display effective use of body language and voice. They both understand the importance of using these tools to engage and captivate their audience. However, there are subtle differences in their delivery styles that set them apart.

Hettiarachchi uses a dynamic and energetic approach in his delivery. His body language is expressive and animated, using hand gestures and facial expressions to emphasize his points. He moves around the stage confidently, engaging with different sections of the audience and creating a sense of connection. His voice is also vibrant and powerful, fluctuating in pitch and volume to convey his emotions and create impact. Overall, Hettiarachchi's delivery is dynamic and captivating, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Qahtani, on the other hand, adopts a more composed and controlled delivery style. His body language is calm and measured, using subtle gestures and movements to enhance his message. He maintains a steady posture throughout his speech, giving off an air of professionalism and confidence. Qahtani's voice is smooth and soothing, with a steady rhythm and tone that draws the audience in. Although his delivery may appear more restrained compared to Hettiarachchi, it still effectively conveys his message and keeps the audience engaged.

In terms of effectiveness, Hettiarachchi's more dynamic delivery style tends to leave a stronger impact on the audience. His energetic body language and powerful voice create a sense of excitement and enthusiasm, making it easier for the audience to connect with his message. While Qahtani's delivery is also effective, it may be perceived as slightly more reserved, which may not have the same level of immediate impact.

Both speakers demonstrate a strong command of their voice, using variations in tone, pace, and volume to effectively convey their messages. However, one possible criticism of Hettiarachchi's delivery is that at times, his enthusiasm and use of vocal power may overshadow the content of his speech. It is important for him to strike a balance between delivering a compelling performance and ensuring that the audience is fully grasping the substance of his message.

In terms of dress code and general appearance, both speakers present themselves professionally and appropriately for the context of their speeches. Hettiarachchi appears more casual, wearing a collared shirt and trousers, which contributes to his energetic and dynamic approach. Qahtani, on the other hand, presents a more formal appearance with a suit, reflecting his composed and measured delivery style. Both speakers' appearances align with their overall delivery styles and contribute to the overall impression they leave on the audience.

Overall, while both Dananjaya Hettiarachchi and Mohammed Qahtani demonstrate effective use of body language and voice in their delivery, Hettiarachchi's more dynamic approach tends to have a stronger impact on the audience. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of their delivery styles may vary depending on the audience and context of the speech.

Both Dananjaya Hettiarachchi and Mohammed Qahtani deliver their speeches with an impressive use of body language and voice, but there are distinct differences in their approach and impact.

In terms of overall effectiveness, both speakers excel in engaging their audience and conveying their messages. Dananjaya Hettiarachchi's speech is rooted in visual imagery, as he states, "I see something." This statement immediately captures the audience's attention and creates a sense of curiosity. Hettiarachchi effectively uses his body language to enhance his message, employing gestures that emphasize the visuals he describes. This dynamic approach makes his speech captivating and memorable. On the other hand, Mohammed Qahtani emphasizes the power of words. His delivery is deliberate and controlled, commanding the attention of the audience through his voice modulation and expert pacing. Qahtani's use of body language is subtle yet impactful, highlighting key points with gestures that add weight to his words. Overall, both speakers leave a lasting impression, but Hettiarachchi's visual approach stands out, making his speech more effective.

In terms of voice, both speakers display commendable control and clarity. Hettiarachchi's voice is expressive, utilizing varying tones and volumes to convey different emotions. His modulation adds depth and passion to his words, capturing the attention and emotions of his audience. Qahtani also has a commanding voice, focusing more on delivering his message with clarity and precision. He showcases excellent diction and enunciation, ensuring that his message is understood by all. However, Qahtani's voice lacks the flair and emotional resonance that Hettiarachchi brings to his delivery. While both speakers effectively use their voices, Hettiarachchi's expressive vocal range gives his speech an edge in terms of impact.

Moving on to dress code and general appearance, both speakers project professionalism and confidence. Hettiarachchi dresses in a casual yet stylish manner, reflecting his approachable personality, while Qahtani opts for a more formal attire that exudes authority. The contrasting styles of dress add to the overall impression each speaker creates. In terms of body language, both speakers are expressive, using gestures and movements to enhance their speeches. Hettiarachchi's animated body language complements his visual approach, while Qahtani's more controlled gestures and movements add gravitas to his delivery. Each speaker's appearance and body language contribute to the overall impact of their speeches, reinforcing their messages and establishing credibility with the audience.

In conclusion, both Dananjaya Hettiarachchi and Mohammed Qahtani excel in their delivery, utilizing body language and voice effectively. Hettiarachchi's visual approach and expressive voice make his speech more engaging and impactful, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. Qahtani's deliberate and controlled delivery, combined with his commanding voice, ensures clarity and precision in his message. Overall, while both speakers are highly effective, Hettiarachchi's use of body language and voice sets him apart, making his speech more memorable and captivating.

In comparing the speech delivery of Dananjaya Hettiarachchi and Mohammed Qahtani, it is evident that both speakers demonstrate a high level of effectiveness and impact. However, upon closer analysis, differences can be identified in their use of body language and voice.

In terms of body language, Dananjaya Hettiarachchi exhibits a dynamic and energetic presence on stage. He utilizes expressive gestures to accentuate his points, capturing the attention of the audience and adding visual interest to his speech. His use of movement and facial expressions effectively conveys his emotions and enhances the overall impact of his message. On the other hand, Mohammed Qahtani adopts a more composed and controlled approach to his body language. His gestures are deliberate and purposeful, emphasizing key ideas and maintaining a sense of gravitas throughout his speech. This reserved demeanor projects a sense of seriousness and authority, which contributes to the effectiveness of his delivery.

Regarding their use of voice, Dananjaya Hettiarachchi exhibits a commanding vocal presence. He possesses a strong and resonant voice that easily fills the room, capturing the audience's attention and drawing them into his speech. His intonation and pacing effectively convey the emotions and nuances of his message, creating a heightened sense of engagement. However, it should be noted that at times, Hettiarachchi's voice can be overly dramatic, bordering on theatrical, which may be seen as a criticism by some. On the other hand, Mohammed Qahtani's voice is characterized by a calm and measured tone. His delivery is smooth and controlled, enabling him to effectively communicate complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. While Qahtani's voice lacks the dramatic flair of Hettiarachchi, it nevertheless adds to his air of credibility and professionalism.

In terms of dress code and general appearance, Dananjaya Hettiarachchi presents himself in a more casual and informal manner. His attire and body language exude a sense of approachability and relatability, which allows him to connect with the audience on a personal level. Conversely, Mohammed Qahtani's formal and polished appearance lends him an air of authority and professionalism. His well-groomed demeanor and commanding presence project confidence, inspiring trust and respect in the audience.

In conclusion, both Dananjaya Hettiarachchi and Mohammed Qahtani exhibit strong speech delivery skills through their effective use of body language and voice. While Hettiarachchi's dynamic and expressive style captures attention, Qahtani's composed and deliberate approach conveys a sense of gravitas. Hettiarachchi's powerful voice engages the audience, although it may occasionally become theatrical, while Qahtani's calm and measured tone adds to his credibility. The differing dress codes and general appearances of the speakers also enhance their respective messages. Ultimately, the effectiveness of the speakers' delivery hinges on the specific context and audience they are addressing.