Speech 1: Dananjaya Hettiarachchi

Speech 2: Mohammed Qahtani
Composition and Content (1. Theme 2. Tone 3. Mood 4. Pace) = 10 marks)

Speech 1: Dananjaya Hettiarachchi

Theme: The power of words
Tone: Inspirational and passionate
Mood: Empowering
Pace: Energetic and fast-paced

Speech 2: Mohammed Qahtani
Theme: Overcoming obstacles and perseverance
Tone: Motivational and determined
Mood: Resilient
Pace: Steady and deliberate

To analyze the composition and content of the speeches by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi and Mohammed Qahtani in Category 2, you can follow these steps:

1. Theme: The theme of a speech refers to its central idea or subject matter. Listen to the speeches and identify the main message or topic that each speaker is addressing. Consider what concepts, issues, or emotions the speakers are trying to convey.

To determine the theme, pay attention to the specific points and arguments made by the speakers. Consider the overall takeaway or message that the speeches are trying to deliver.

2. Tone: The tone of a speech refers to the attitude or mood conveyed by the speaker. It can be persuasive, inspirational, informative, critical, or any other emotional tone that the speaker adopts.

Listen to the speeches and take note of the emotions and attitudes expressed by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi and Mohammed Qahtani. Consider their use of language, voice modulation, and overall presentation style to determine the tone of each speech.

3. Mood: The mood of a speech refers to the overall feeling or atmosphere created by the speaker. It is the emotional response elicited in the audience as a result of the content and delivery of the speech.

Observe how Dananjaya Hettiarachchi and Mohammed Qahtani's speeches make you feel while you're listening to them. Are they able to engage the audience emotionally? Do they create a sense of inspiration, concern, or excitement? Analyze the impact of their words and delivery on the audience's mood.

4. Pace: The pace of a speech refers to the speed and rhythm at which the speaker delivers their message. It can be fast-paced, slow-paced, or have variations in speed to create emphasis or suspense.

Pay attention to the speed at which Dananjaya Hettiarachchi and Mohammed Qahtani deliver their speeches. Notice any deliberate changes in pace and the effect it has on the audience's engagement and understanding of the content.

By carefully analyzing these four aspects (theme, tone, mood, and pace) of Dananjaya Hettiarachchi's and Mohammed Qahtani's speeches, you can evaluate their composition and content and assign a score out of 10 marks based on the effectiveness of each aspect in conveying the intended message and engaging the audience.

In this category, we will evaluate the composition and content of the speeches given by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi and Mohammed Qahtani. We will assess four aspects: theme, tone, mood, and pace.

1. Theme:
The theme refers to the central idea or message of a speech. It is the main topic or subject that the speaker addresses.

In Speech 1 by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi, the theme might revolve around personal growth or the power of determination. Hettiarachchi shares his personal experience of overcoming challenges and achieving success.

In Speech 2 by Mohammed Qahtani, the theme could be related to self-awareness or the importance of self-reflection. Qahtani discusses the need to introspect and work on personal flaws to become a better version of oneself.

Both speeches focus on personal development but may have different perspectives and approaches.

2. Tone:
Tone refers to the attitude or emotion conveyed by the speaker. It reflects the speaker's feelings towards the subject and influences how the audience perceives the message.

In Speech 1, Hettiarachchi's tone could be passionate and determined. He shares his story with conviction and enthusiasm, emphasizing the importance of perseverance.

In Speech 2, Qahtani's tone might be introspective and reflective. He speaks in a calm and thoughtful manner, encouraging the audience to ponder their own weaknesses and work towards improvement.

3. Mood:
Mood refers to the emotional atmosphere created by the speech. It reflects the overall feeling or ambiance conveyed by the speaker.

In Speech 1, the mood could be inspiring and motivational. Hettiarachchi's story of overcoming obstacles creates a sense of optimism and encourages the audience to take action.

In Speech 2, the mood might be contemplative and thought-provoking. Qahtani's emphasis on self-reflection creates a reflective atmosphere, urging the audience to introspect and evaluate themselves.

4. Pace:
Pace refers to the speed or rhythm at which the speaker delivers the speech. It affects the audience's engagement and comprehension of the content.

In Speech 1, Hettiarachchi's pace might be energetic and dynamic. He maintains a fast tempo to maintain the audience's interest and enthusiasm.

In Speech 2, Qahtani's pace might be steady and deliberate. He takes pauses at strategic moments to allow the audience to absorb his message and contemplate their own experiences.

Overall, both speeches demonstrate strong composition and content in terms of theme, tone, mood, and pace. They use different approaches to convey similar messages of personal growth and introspection. Each speaker's unique style and delivery contribute to the overall impact of their speeches.