What is the purpose and objectives of speech delivered by Mohammed Qahtani ‘The power of words’ in 2015?

The purpose of the speech delivered by Mohammed Qahtani titled 'The power of words' in 2015 was to highlight the influence and impact of words on individuals and society. Qahtani aimed to raise awareness about the significance of crafting and using words effectively in order to make a positive difference in people's lives.

The objectives of Qahtani's speech were as follows:

1. To emphasize the power of words: Qahtani intended to demonstrate how words can inspire, motivate, and change people's perspectives. He aimed to create an understanding of the profound impact that words can have on individuals and society as a whole.

2. To encourage accountability: Qahtani aimed to motivate individuals to take responsibility for the words they use. He highlighted the need for people to be mindful of the consequences of their words and to strive for positive communication.

3. To promote empathy and compassion: Qahtani emphasized the importance of using words to connect with others and to foster empathy and understanding. He urged the audience to choose their words carefully to promote unity and harmony.

4. To advocate for change: Qahtani sought to inspire individuals to use their words to advocate for positive change. He emphasized the potential of words to challenge injustice, ignite movements, and bring about social transformation.

Overall, the speech aimed to inspire individuals to recognize and harness the power of words to create a positive impact on themselves, others, and society as a whole.

To determine the purpose and objectives of Mohammed Qahtani's speech, "The Power of Words" delivered in 2015, we can analyze the content of the speech and any information available about the event. Unfortunately, as an AI, I don't have direct access to the contents of specific speeches or events from the past. However, I can guide you on how to gather this information.

1. Research the speech: Start by searching for details about Mohammed Qahtani's speech in 2015. Look for articles, videos, or transcripts of the speech. Online platforms, such as YouTube, TED Talks, or conference websites, might have recorded or transcribed versions of the speech.

2. Study the content: Once you find the speech or its transcript, carefully analyze its content. Pay attention to the main ideas, arguments, and messages being conveyed. Look for recurring themes or topics discussed by Mohammed Qahtani.

3. Examine the context: Take into consideration the occasion or event where the speech was delivered. Consider the audience, the purpose of the event, and any relevant information about the event itself. This context will provide clues about the objectives the speaker aimed to achieve.

4. Look for interviews or articles: If Mohammed Qahtani has given interviews or if there are articles discussing his speech, seek them out. Often, speakers provide insights into their intentions and objectives when speaking about their own work.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather enough information to understand the purpose and objectives of Mohammed Qahtani's speech, "The Power of Words," delivered in 2015.

The purpose and objectives of the speech delivered by Mohammed Qahtani titled 'The power of words' in 2015 were as follows:

1. Raise awareness: Qahtani aimed to raise awareness about the significant impact that words can have on individuals and society as a whole. He wanted to emphasize the power of words to shape opinions, influence behaviors, and inspire positive change.

2. Encourage responsible communication: Qahtani sought to highlight the importance of using words responsibly and ethically. He emphasized that words can either build or destroy, and thus encouraged people to choose their words wisely.

3. Inspire empathy and understanding: The speech aimed to foster empathy and understanding among individuals by emphasizing the role of words in promoting tolerance, respect, and inclusivity. Qahtani wanted to encourage people to use their words to bridge divides and promote harmony.

4. Motivate personal growth: Qahtani aimed to inspire personal growth and development by highlighting the transformative power of words. He encouraged individuals to use positive and uplifting language not only to inspire others but also to strengthen themselves.

5. Advocate for change: Through his speech, Qahtani intended to advocate for positive change in society. He believed that words had the power to spark movements, create revolutions, and bring about lasting transformations.

Overall, Mohammed Qahtani's speech 'The power of words' in 2015 sought to emphasize the potential that words hold to shape our lives and the world around us, and to urge individuals to leverage this power for the greater good.