Discuss and explain the use of symbolism in Donanjaya Hettiarachchi speech titled ‘I see something’ 2014

In Donanjaya Hettiarachchi's speech titled 'I see something,' delivered in 2014, symbolism is prominently used to emphasize the speaker's message and engage the audience's emotions. Through the use of various symbols, the speech becomes more relatable and impactful, allowing the audience to truly grasp the underlying meaning behind the words.

One example of symbolism in the speech is the recurring theme of light. Hettiarachchi refers to light as a representation of hope, enlightenment, and positive change. By symbolizing light in this way, he encourages his audience to seek out the positive aspects in their lives and to strive for improvement. Moreover, it conveys the idea that even in the darkest moments, there is always a glimmer of hope and a possibility for positive transformation.

Another symbol used in the speech is the reference to stars. Hettiarachchi portrays stars as a reflection of our dreams and aspirations. They represent our inner desires, ambitions, and goals. By using stars as a symbol, Hettiarachchi appeals to the audience's sense of longing and encourages them to dream big. He emphasizes the importance of pursuing these dreams, no matter how challenging or far-fetched they may seem, as they bring meaning and purpose to our lives.

Additionally, the butterfly is used as a symbol in the speech. Hettiarachchi describes the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly, portraying it as a symbol of personal growth and self-transformation. The butterfly serves as a reminder that change and progress require perseverance and patience. It represents the beauty that can emerge from difficult situations and the potential for personal development and evolution.

By employing these and other symbols throughout his speech, Hettiarachchi elicits emotions and connects with the audience on a deeper level. The symbols serve as visual aids that help the audience visualize the concepts being discussed, making the speech more relatable and memorable. They enhance the overall impact of the speech by creating vivid imagery and conveying complex ideas in a simple yet powerful manner.

In conclusion, the use of symbolism in Donanjaya Hettiarachchi's speech 'I see something' enhances its effectiveness and resonates with the audience. Through the use of symbols like light, stars, and butterflies, Hettiarachchi prompts the audience to reflect on their own lives, dreams, and potential. These symbols bring depth and emotion to the speech, leaving a lasting impression on the listeners and inspiring them to take action and embrace positive change.

In Donanjaya Hettiarachchi's speech titled "I see something" from 2014, symbolism is employed to enhance the message and make it more impactful. Symbolism refers to the use of objects, actions, or ideas to represent or convey deeper meanings or emotions beyond their literal interpretation. By incorporating symbols into the speech, Hettiarachchi was able to add layers of meaning and create a richer experience for the audience.

To analyze the use of symbolism in the speech, let's identify a few key examples:

1. The Mirror: Hettiarachchi uses a mirror as a symbol of self-reflection and introspection. He asks the audience to look at themselves in the mirror and reflect on their actions, choices, and values. The mirror represents the need for individuals to examine themselves honestly, confront their flaws, and strive for personal growth.

2. The Candle: Hettiarachchi introduces a candle as another symbol in his speech. The candle represents hope, inspiration, and enlightenment. By encouraging the audience to be the light for others, he highlights the importance of kindness, empathy, and positive influence in society. Just as a candle illuminates a dark room, Hettiarachchi strives for his audience to be a source of light in the lives of others.

3. The Orange Pencil: Hettiarachchi talks about his experience of seeing a little girl with an orange pencil, which becomes a symbol of uniqueness and creativity. He emphasizes the need to embrace individuality and leverage unique talents and ideas for personal and collective growth. The orange pencil is a reminder that every individual possesses special qualities and has the potential to make a significant impact on the world.

4. The Color Orange: Throughout the speech, Hettiarachchi emphasizes the color orange, referencing the orange sky, an orange sari, and an orange pencil. The color orange symbolizes enthusiasm, creativity, and positivity. It serves as a reminder to find joy and passion in life, to approach challenges with optimism and to be open to new ideas and experiences.

By using these symbols in his speech, Hettiarachchi conveys a powerful message about self-reflection, hope, individuality, and positivity. These symbols help to engage the audience on an emotional level, making the speech more relatable and memorable. The use of symbolism allows the audience to understand the deeper meanings and connect with the speaker's ideas in a more profound way.

In the speech titled "I see something" by Donanjaya Hettiarachchi, symbolism is used to enhance the impact and convey deeper meanings. Here are some examples of symbolism and their explanations:

1. "I see a world without innocence, a world where our children have to kill their dreams before their dreams kill them."
Symbolism: "World without innocence"
Explanation: This symbolizes a world where the purity of childhood is lost, where the harsh realities force children to abandon their dreams and grow up too fast.

2. "I see a world without laughter, where smiles are as rare as echoes in the night."
Symbolism: "World without laughter" and "smiles as rare as echoes in the night"
Explanation: This symbolizes a world filled with sadness and joylessness, where happiness and laughter have all but disappeared.

3. "I see a world made of hate, where love is just a matter of time before it gets killed."
Symbolism: "World made of hate"
Explanation: This symbolizes a world driven by anger, animosity, and prejudice, where love is constantly under threat and easily destroyed.

4. "I see a world where silence is more powerful than gunshots, where whispers are stronger than screams."
Symbolism: "Silence more powerful than gunshots" and "whispers stronger than screams"
Explanation: This symbolizes a world where subtle forms of communication and expression carry greater weight and impact than loud and violent outbursts. It signifies the power of soft and gentle words over aggression.

5. "I see a world where trees can walk and nature can speak."
Symbolism: "Trees walking" and "nature speaking"
Explanation: This symbolizes a world in which the harmony between human beings and nature is restored, with a reminder of the importance of respecting and nurturing the natural environment.

Symbolism in Donanjaya Hettiarachchi's speech "I see something" helps to create vivid imagery and evoke emotions in the audience. By using these symbolic representations, the speaker aims to convey deeper messages about the state of society and the urgent need for positive change.