Which of the following is an example of an infrastructure problem in Mexico City?


urban overcrowding

insufficient transportation systems

income inequality

air pollution from vehicle emissions
what’s the answer

All of the options listed can be considered examples of infrastructure problems in Mexico City.

The answer is: insufficient transportation systems.

The example of an infrastructure problem in Mexico City from the given options is "insufficient transportation systems."

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the meaning of infrastructure problems and evaluate each option considering its relevance to Mexico City.

Infrastructure problems refer to issues or deficiencies in the fundamental physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the functioning of a society or community.

Now, let's analyze each option:

1. Urban overcrowding: While urban overcrowding is indeed a challenge in Mexico City, it is not strictly an infrastructure problem. It is more related to population density, city planning, and land use.

2. Insufficient transportation systems: This option directly addresses the availability and efficiency of transportation infrastructure in Mexico City. Given the city's significant population and traffic congestion issues, inadequate public transportation networks and road systems are indeed a prominent infrastructure problem.

3. Income inequality: Income inequality is a social and economic issue rather than an infrastructure problem. Though income disparities can potentially impact the quality and accessibility of infrastructure services, it is not a direct example of an infrastructure problem in Mexico City.

4. Air pollution from vehicle emissions: While air pollution is a significant problem in Mexico City, it is primarily caused by multiple factors, including vehicle emissions, industrial activities, and geographical features. Air pollution can be attributed to both infrastructure and environmental issues; however, it is not specifically an infrastructure problem.

Considering the above analysis, the correct answer is "insufficient transportation systems" as an example of an infrastructure problem in Mexico City.