Derrick wants to try a new workout, but he doesn’t want to get injured. What is the BEST thing for Derrick to do to decrease his chance of injury?

(1 point)

Do the new activity on his own.

Start with high intensity and lower it gradually.

Save any stretching for after the workout.

Learn the basics of proper form.

Learn the basics of proper form.

The BEST thing for Derrick to do to decrease his chance of injury is to learn the basics of proper form.

The best thing for Derrick to do to decrease his chance of injury is to learn the basics of proper form. By understanding and practicing the correct techniques for the new workout, he can ensure that he is performing the exercises in a safe and effective manner. This will reduce the risk of putting unnecessary strain on his muscles and joints, which could lead to injury.

To learn the basics of proper form, Derrick can follow these steps:

1. Research: Start by gathering information about the new workout online, from books, or by consulting with fitness professionals. Look for reliable sources that provide detailed instructions on the correct form and technique for each exercise.

2. Seek guidance from professionals: Consider working with a personal trainer or joining a class led by an experienced instructor who can teach Derrick the proper form for the workout. They can provide valuable feedback and make necessary corrections to his technique.

3. Focus on proper alignment: Pay close attention to body alignment during each exercise and make sure to maintain a neutral spine, engage core muscles, and use the appropriate range of motion. Proper alignment helps distribute the workload evenly and minimizes the risk of injury.

4. Start with lighter weights or modifications: When beginning a new workout, it is important for Derrick to start with weights or modifications that are appropriate for his fitness level. By gradually increasing the intensity and difficulty of the exercises over time, he can allow his body to adapt and become stronger, reducing the chances of injury.

5. Listen to his body: Derrick should always be aware of how his body feels during the workout. If he experiences any pain or discomfort, he should stop immediately and assess his form and technique. Pushing through pain can lead to injury, so it's important to prioritize safety and listen to his body's signals.

By following these steps and prioritizing proper form, Derrick can greatly decrease his chances of getting injured while trying out a new workout.