Which statement best investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism?(1 point) Responses Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the ideas of individual property and rights. Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the ideas of individual property and rights. Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the idea of universal equality for all peoples. Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the idea of universal equality for all peoples. The Enlightenment had no impact on the development of laissez-faire capitalism. The Enlightenment had no impact on the development of laissez-faire capitalism. Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights.

Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights.

The statement "Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights" best investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism.

The statement that best investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism is: "Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights."

To understand this relationship, it is important to first explain what the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism are:

1. The Enlightenment: The Enlightenment was an intellectual and philosophical movement that took place in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. It emphasized reason, science, individualism, and progress. Thinkers of the Enlightenment sought to challenge traditional authority and promote ideas of liberty, equality, and human rights.

2. Laissez-faire capitalism: Laissez-faire capitalism is an economic system that advocates for minimal government intervention in the economy. It emphasizes free markets, private property rights, and individual economic freedom. According to this system, the government's role should be limited to protecting property rights and enforcing contracts.

Now, let's analyze the statement:

"Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights."

This statement suggests that the emergence of laissez-faire capitalism influenced and contributed to the development of Enlightenment ideals, specifically those relating to private property and individual rights.

To determine the accuracy of this statement, one could investigate the historical context of the Enlightenment and the factors that contributed to the rise of laissez-faire capitalism. It would be helpful to look at key figures and their ideas, such as John Locke and his concept of property rights, which heavily influenced both the Enlightenment and the development of capitalism.

Additionally, studying the writings and philosophies of Enlightenment thinkers, such as Adam Smith, who is often considered the father of economics and a proponent of laissez-faire capitalism, can further demonstrate the relationship between these two concepts.

In conclusion, by examining the historical context and the ideas of key figures, it becomes apparent that laissez-faire capitalism played a significant role in shaping Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights.