Which term would be used to describe the rights that U.S. citizens have when they are arrested and accused of committing crimes?(1 point) Responses laissez-faire laissez-faire persona non grata persona non grata habeas corpus habeas corpus avant-garde

habeas corpus

The term that would be used to describe the rights that U.S. citizens have when they are arrested and accused of committing crimes is "habeas corpus."

The term that would be used to describe the rights that U.S. citizens have when they are arrested and accused of committing crimes is "habeas corpus." Habeas corpus is a legal principle that ensures individuals have the right to challenge the legality of their detention and seek release if there is no sufficient cause for their arrest. It guarantees the right to a fair and prompt trial, protection against self-incrimination, the right to legal counsel, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. The term "habeas corpus" comes from Latin and translates to "you shall have the body," indicating the right to demand that the authorities provide a reason for the detention. To get the answer to this question, one could either have prior knowledge of the term or conduct a simple internet search using keywords such as "rights of U.S. citizens when arrested" or "habeas corpus definition."