Which statement best investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism?(1 point)


The Enlightenment had no impact on the development of laissez-faire capitalism.
The Enlightenment had no impact on the development of laissez-faire capitalism.

Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the idea of universal equality for all peoples.
Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the idea of universal equality for all peoples.

Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the ideas of individual property and rights.
Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the ideas of individual property and rights.

Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights.

Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights.

The statement that best investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism is: "Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights."

To determine which statement best investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism, we need to understand the key principles of both concepts.

The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that took place in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. It emphasized reason, individualism, and progress, and sought to challenge traditional ideas and institutions. The Enlightenment advocated for concepts such as freedom, equality, and the rights of individuals.

Laissez-faire capitalism, on the other hand, is an economic system based on the belief in minimal government intervention in the economy. It emphasizes private property, individual rights, and free markets, allowing individuals and businesses to operate with little regulation.

With this understanding, we can evaluate each statement and determine which best investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism.

Statement 1: "The Enlightenment had no impact on the development of laissez-faire capitalism."
This statement suggests that the Enlightenment had no influence on the development of laissez-faire capitalism. However, this contradicts historical evidence. The Enlightenment's emphasis on reason, individual rights, and individualism directly aligns with the principles of laissez-faire capitalism. Therefore, this statement is not accurate.

Statement 2: "Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the idea of universal equality for all peoples."
While both concepts may advocate for equality, this statement does not specifically address the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism. It only highlights a shared principle without exploring how they are connected. Therefore, this statement does not sufficiently investigate the relationship between the two.

Statement 3: "Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the ideas of individual property and rights."
This statement correctly identifies a significant connection between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism. Both concepts emphasize the importance of individual property and rights. The Enlightenment's focus on individualism and freedom aligns with the principles of private property and individual rights in laissez-faire capitalism. Therefore, this statement does investigate the relationship between the two.

Statement 4: "Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights."
This statement suggests that laissez-faire capitalism was influential in shaping Enlightenment ideals related to private property and individual rights. This is a valid observation as the economic system of laissez-faire capitalism promotes and protects individual property and rights, which align with the Enlightenment's emphasis on these ideas. Therefore, this statement also investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism effectively.

Considering both statements 3 and 4, it appears that Statement 4, "Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights," provides a more comprehensive investigation of the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism.