Which statement best investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism?(1 point) Responses Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the idea of universal equality for all peoples. Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the idea of universal equality for all peoples. Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights. Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights. Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the ideas of individual property and rights. Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the ideas of individual property and rights. The Enlightenment had no impact on the development of laissez-faire capitalism.

Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights.

The statement that best investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism is: "Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights."

The statement that best investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism is: "Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights."

To understand why this statement is the best choice, let's break it down:

The Enlightenment was a philosophical and intellectual movement in the 17th and 18th centuries that emphasized reason, individualism, and progress. It challenged traditional authority and sought to promote human rights, liberty, and equality.

Laissez-faire capitalism, on the other hand, is an economic system characterized by minimal government intervention and regulation in the market. It advocates for free trade, private property rights, and individual freedom.

The statement states that laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights. This implies that the economic system of laissez-faire capitalism influenced and supported the philosophical ideas of the Enlightenment. The belief in private property and individual rights, which are key elements of laissez-faire capitalism, align with the Enlightenment's emphasis on individualism and liberty.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the key principles of both the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism. By comparing and analyzing their core ideas, we can conclude that the economic system of laissez-faire capitalism was influenced by and aligned with the Enlightenment's emphasis on private property and individual rights.