Analyse the map to determine which body of water is closest to the Mediteranean Sea.

(1 point)
Lake Chad
Lake Victoria
Niger River
Nile River

Based on the options provided, the Nile River is the body of water closest to the Mediterranean Sea.

To analyze the map and determine which body of water is closest to the Mediterranean Sea, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Locate the Mediterranean Sea on the map. The Mediterranean Sea is a large body of water located in the center of the map, surrounded by several countries such as Spain, France, Italy, Greece, and Turkey.

2. Identify the other bodies of water listed in the question. In this case, the bodies of water listed are Lake Chad, Lake Victoria, Niger River, and Nile River.

3. Measure the distance between each of these bodies of water and the Mediterranean Sea. You can do this by estimating the distance using the scale on the map or by using a ruler to measure the distance.

4. Compare the distances and determine which body of water is closest to the Mediterranean Sea. The body of water with the shortest distance to the Mediterranean Sea is the one that is closest.

By following these steps and analyzing the map, you will be able to determine which body of water, out of Lake Chad, Lake Victoria, Niger River, and Nile River, is closest to the Mediterranean Sea.

To determine which body of water is closest to the Mediterranean Sea, let's analyze the map.

1. Lake Chad: Lake Chad is located in Africa, specifically in the countries of Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Niger. It is situated in the Chad Basin and lies to the southwest of the Sahara Desert. While Lake Chad is a significant body of water, it is not closest to the Mediterranean Sea.

2. Lake Victoria: Lake Victoria, also located in Africa, is the largest lake on the continent and is bordered by Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya. However, Lake Victoria is located much further south from the Mediterranean Sea and is not the closest body of water.

3. Niger River: The Niger River is one of the major rivers in Africa. It flows through several countries, including Guinea, Mali, Niger, Benin, and Nigeria. While the Niger River is relatively close to the Mediterranean Sea compared to the other options, it still flows through West Africa, and thus it is not the closest.

4. Nile River: The Nile River is the longest river in Africa and one of the longest in the world. It flows through eleven countries and drains into the Mediterranean Sea in Egypt. The Nile River is the closest body of water to the Mediterranean Sea among the options mentioned.

Therefore, the closest body of water to the Mediterranean Sea is the Nile River.