Look at the map.

A map of the Indus Valley Civilization is shown. The cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro are both indicated on the map in their locations along the Indus River, which flows from the Himalayan Mountains to the Arabian Sea.

How did the location of the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro contribute to their development?

(1 point)

Their location was near major trade routes.

Their location was near major trade routes.

Their location near rivers provided rich soil that produced plentiful crops.

Their location near rivers provided rich soil that produced plentiful crops.

Their location allowed crops to receive enough rainfall.

Their location allowed crops to receive enough rainfall.

Their location provided abundant natural resources and little need to trade.

Their location provided abundant natural resources and little need to trade.
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The correct response is:

Their location near rivers provided rich soil that produced plentiful crops.

The answer is:

Their location near rivers provided rich soil that produced plentiful crops.

Their location allowed crops to receive enough rainfall.

In order to determine how the location of the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro contributed to their development, we should closely examine the map provided. We can see that both cities are located along the Indus River, which flows from the Himalayan Mountains to the Arabian Sea. This suggests that the availability of water from the river played a significant role in the development of these cities.

One possible answer is that their location near rivers provided rich soil that produced plentiful crops. The presence of rivers, such as the Indus River, would have allowed for irrigation and provided a consistent water source for agriculture. This would have allowed the ancient inhabitants of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro to grow abundant crops, ultimately contributing to the development of their civilizations.

Furthermore, their location allowed crops to receive enough rainfall, which is another possible answer. The proximity to the river and its tributaries would have facilitated sufficient water supply for the crops, leading to a reliable source of rainfall and ensuring the success of agriculture in the region.

Finally, their location near major trade routes is another plausible answer. The Indus River served as a major thoroughfare for trade and transportation, connecting the Himalayan Mountains and the Arabian Sea. This would have allowed the ancient cities to engage in trade with neighboring regions, facilitating the exchange of goods and ideas, and contributing to their development.

In summary, the location of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro near the Indus River provided rich soil for agriculture, reliable rainfall for crops, and access to major trade routes. These factors likely played a significant role in the development of their civilizations.