Of the following traits, which one is acquired(i.e., not inherited)?

eye shape
fingernail length
skin tone
number and presence of dimples

Of the traits mentioned, the acquired one is fingernail length.

Of the traits you mentioned, the acquired trait would be fingernail length. Eye shape, skin tone, and the presence of dimples are inherited traits, meaning they are determined by your genetic makeup and passed down from your parents. On the other hand, fingernail length can be influenced by various factors such as nutrition, hygiene, and habits, which are acquired or developed over time rather than being determined by your genes.

To determine which of the listed traits is acquired (not inherited), we need to understand what it means for a trait to be acquired. An acquired trait is a characteristic that is developed or modified throughout an individual's lifetime, usually as a result of external factors or experiences. In contrast, an inherited trait is one that is passed down from parents to offspring through genetic information.

Now, let's analyze the traits mentioned:

1. Eye shape: Eye shape is primarily determined by genetics and is usually inherited from parents. It is not an acquired trait. Although external factors like aging or certain medical conditions can alter eye appearance, the fundamental shape is genetically determined.

2. Fingernail length: Fingernail length is primarily influenced by genetics, with variations due to factors like health, nutrition, and personal care. However, individuals can intentionally trim or keep their fingernails long, which can be considered an acquired trait on a temporary basis.

3. Skin tone: Skin tone is primarily determined by genetics and is a hereditary trait. However, factors like sun exposure and tanning can lead to temporary changes in skin color. These changes can be considered acquired traits in the sense that they are not permanent alterations of the inherited skin tone.

4. Number and presence of dimples: Dimples are an inherited trait, resulting from specific facial muscle formations. They are not acquired but rather a genetic feature that can be passed down through generations.

Based on these explanations, it is clear that the trait "fingernail length" is predominantly influenced by acquired factors such as personal care and grooming choices.