Of the following traits, which one is acquired (i.e., not inherited)?(1 point) Responses eye shape eye shape fingernail length fingernail length skin tone skin tone number and presence of dimples

fingernail length

Out of the following traits, fingernail length is acquired (i.e., not inherited).

To determine which of the following traits is acquired rather than inherited, we need to understand the difference between acquired and inherited traits.

An inherited trait is a characteristic that is passed down from parent to offspring through DNA, such as eye shape and skin tone. These traits are determined by genetic factors and are not easily influenced by external factors.

On the other hand, an acquired trait is a characteristic that is developed or learned during an individual's lifetime. Acquired traits are usually a result of environmental factors, lifestyle choices, or experiences. Examples of acquired traits can include skills, education, language proficiency, or habits.

Now, let's analyze the traits given:

1. Eye shape: Eye shape is primarily an inherited trait, determined by the genes inherited from parents. Although eye shape can be influenced by external factors like makeup or surgery, these alterations are not considered to be an acquired trait in the biological sense.

2. Fingernail length: Fingernail length is an acquired trait. It is not influenced by genetics and can be changed through personal grooming habits and choices, such as cutting, filing, or maintaining the nails.

3. Skin tone: Skin tone is primarily an inherited trait. It is determined by the amount of melanin produced in the skin, which is regulated by genetic factors. Skin tone can be influenced to some extent by external factors like sun exposure or tanning, but naturally occurring skin tone is an inherited trait.

4. Number and presence of dimples: The number and presence of dimples are generally inherited traits. Dimples are caused by a genetic variation and are usually present from birth.

Based on the above analysis, the trait that is acquired rather than inherited is fingernail length.