Of the following traits, which one is acquired (i.e., not inherited)?(1 point)


eye shape
eye shape

fingernail length
fingernail length

skin tone
skin tone

number and presence of dimples

number and presence of dimples

The trait that is acquired among the options you provided is skin tone.

To determine whether a trait is acquired or inherited, we can consider the factors that influence its development.

Eye shape is primarily determined by genetic factors, meaning it is inherited from our parents. The shape of our eyes is determined by the genes that we inherit from our ancestors.

Similarly, fingernail length is also largely influenced by genetics. Some individuals may have naturally longer or shorter fingernails due to their genetic makeup.

On the other hand, skin tone can be influenced by a combination of genetic factors and external environmental factors. While our genes play a role in determining our initial skin tone, factors such as sun exposure, lifestyle, and geographic location can also affect the overall color and pigmentation of our skin over time.

Lastly, the number and presence of dimples is primarily determined by genetic factors. Dimples are inherited traits that are influenced by specific genes. If your parents or close relatives have dimples, you are more likely to have them as well.

In summary, among the traits you listed, skin tone is the one that can be acquired and influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

Of the given traits, the acquired trait (i.e., not inherited) is the number and presence of dimples.