Of the following traits, which one is acquired (i.e., not inherited)?

eye shape
eye shape

fingernail length
fingernail length

skin tone
skin tone

number and presence of dimples

number and presence of dimples

Of the traits you listed, the acquired trait is skin tone. Eye shape, fingernail length, and the number and presence of dimples are inherited traits, meaning they are determined by genetics and passed down from parents to offspring. Skin tone, on the other hand, can be influenced by various environmental factors such as exposure to sunlight, which leads to the production of melanin in the skin.

To determine which of the given traits is acquired rather than inherited, you can look at the nature of each trait.

1. Eye shape: Eye shape is primarily determined by genetics and inherited from our parents. Although some minor variations can occur due to environmental and non-genetic factors, eye shape is generally considered an inherited trait.

2. Fingernail length: Fingernail length can fluctuate throughout a person's lifetime due to various factors such as personal grooming habits, nail care, and the presence of certain health conditions. While genetics can influence the general shape and growth rate of fingernails, the actual length is largely affected by individual maintenance and lifestyle choices. Hence, fingernail length is an acquired trait.

3. Skin tone: Skin tone is another trait primarily influenced by genetics and inherited from ancestry. The amount of melanin in the skin determines skin color, and this is determined by various genes. However, exposure to environmental factors like sunlight and skincare routines can impact the appearance and health of the skin. So while skin tone itself is largely inherited, its overall appearance can be affected by acquired factors.

4. Number and presence of dimples: Dimples are physical traits formed by the way facial muscles attach to the skin. They are considered an inherited trait, as they are determined by genetically predetermined facial structure and musculature. Therefore, the number and presence of dimples can also be considered an inherited trait.

In summary, of the given traits, fingernail length is the most acquired trait, while eye shape and the number and presence of dimples are mainly inherited. Skin tone, although primarily influenced by genetics, can also be affected by acquired factors such as sunlight exposure and skincare habits.