estimate the total volume of water in a entire hydrological cycle respectively. identify them to their reservoirs.

Ocean precipitation 373
Ocean evaporation 413
Ocean 1336040
Ice 26350
Atmosphere 12.7
Ocean to land water vapor transport 40
Surface flow 40
Ground water 15300
River and lakes 178
Evaporation + transpiration 73
Land precipitation 113
Permafrost 22

The total volume of water in the entire hydrological cycle can be estimated as follows:

1) Ocean precipitation: 373 (units not specified)
2) Ocean evaporation: 413 (units not specified)
3) Ocean: 1,336,040 (units not specified)
4) Ice: 26,350 (units not specified)
5) Atmosphere: 12.7 (units not specified)
6) Ocean to land water vapor transport: 40 (units not specified)
7) Surface flow: 40 (units not specified)
8) Groundwater: 15,300 (units not specified)
9) Rivers and lakes: 178 (units not specified)
10) Evaporation + transpiration: 73 (units not specified)
11) Land precipitation: 113 (units not specified)
12) Permafrost: 22 (units not specified)

Please note that without the units specified, it is not possible to determine the actual volume of water.

To estimate the total volume of water in the entire hydrological cycle and identify them to their reservoirs, we can sum up the values provided for each reservoir.

1. Ocean:
- Ocean precipitation: 373
- Ocean evaporation: 413
- Ocean: 1,336,040

Total ocean volume: 373 + 413 + 1,336,040 = 1,336,826 cubic kilometers

2. Ice:
- Ice: 26,350

Total ice volume: 26,350 cubic kilometers

3. Atmosphere:
- Atmosphere: 12.7

Total atmospheric volume: 12.7 cubic kilometers

4. Ocean to land water vapor transport:
- Ocean to land water vapor transport: 40

Total ocean to land water vapor transport volume: 40 cubic kilometers

5. Surface flow:
- Surface flow: 40

Total surface flow volume: 40 cubic kilometers

6. Groundwater:
- Groundwater: 15,300

Total groundwater volume: 15,300 cubic kilometers

7. Rivers and lakes:
- River and lakes: 178

Total river and lakes volume: 178 cubic kilometers

8. Evaporation + transpiration:
- Evaporation + transpiration: 73

Total evaporation + transpiration volume: 73 cubic kilometers

9. Land precipitation:
- Land precipitation: 113

Total land precipitation volume: 113 cubic kilometers

10. Permafrost:
- Permafrost: 22

Total permafrost volume: 22 cubic kilometers

Therefore, the total volume of water in the entire hydrological cycle can be estimated as:

1,336,826 + 26,350 + 12.7 + 40 + 40 + 15,300 + 178 + 73 + 113 + 22 = 1,378,974.7 cubic kilometers

To estimate the total volume of water in the entire hydrological cycle, you need to add up the volumes in each reservoir. Let's go through each reservoir and calculate the total volume:

1. Ocean precipitation (373): This refers to the volume of water that falls as precipitation into the ocean. Add 373 to the total.

Total: 373

2. Ocean evaporation (413): This refers to the volume of water that evaporates from the ocean. Subtract 413 from the total.

Total: -40

3. Ocean (1336040): This refers to the volume of water in the ocean itself. Add 1,336,040 to the total.

Total: 1,336,000

4. Ice (26350): This refers to the volume of water stored as ice in glaciers or polar ice caps. Add 26,350 to the total.

Total: 1,362,350

5. Atmosphere (12.7): This refers to the volume of water present in the Earth's atmosphere. Add 12.7 to the total.

Total: 1,362,362.7

6. Ocean to land water vapor transport (40): This refers to the volume of water vapor transported from the ocean to land. Add 40 to the total.

Total: 1,362,402.7

7. Surface flow (40): This refers to the volume of water that flows on the Earth's surface as streams or rivers. Add 40 to the total.

Total: 1,362,442.7

8. Groundwater (15,300): This refers to the volume of water stored underground in aquifers. Add 15,300 to the total.

Total: 1,377,742.7

9. Rivers and lakes (178): This refers to the volume of water in rivers and lakes. Add 178 to the total.

Total: 1,377,920.7

10. Evaporation + transpiration (73): This refers to the combined volume of water that evaporates from land and transpires from plants. Subtract 73 from the total.

Total: 1,377,847.7

11. Land precipitation (113): This refers to the volume of water that falls as precipitation on land. Add 113 to the total.

Total: 1,377,960.7

12. Permafrost (22): This refers to the volume of water stored as ice in permanently frozen ground. Add 22 to the total.

Total: 1,377,982.7

Therefore, the estimated total volume of water in the entire hydrological cycle is approximately 1,377,982.7 cubic kilometers.

Please note that these values are given in cubic kilometers (km³), which represents the volume of water in each reservoir.