Which statement about the water cycle is correct?(1 point)


Plants contribute to the water cycle and animals do not.
Plants contribute to the water cycle and animals do not.

Water has a specific starting and ending point in the water cycle.
Water has a specific starting and ending point in the water cycle.

Energy for the water cycle comes from the sun.
Energy for the water cycle comes from the sun.

Water moves from different places but does not change form.
Water moves from different places but does not change form.

The correct statement about the water cycle is: Energy for the water cycle comes from the sun.

Energy for the water cycle comes from the sun.

The correct statement about the water cycle is: "Energy for the water cycle comes from the sun."

To determine the correct statement, we can break down each response:

1) "Plants contribute to the water cycle and animals do not." - This statement is incorrect. Both plants and animals contribute to the water cycle. Plants release water vapor through a process called transpiration, while animals contribute to the cycle through processes like respiration and excretion.

2) "Water has a specific starting and ending point in the water cycle." - This statement is incorrect. The water cycle is a continuous process without a specific starting or ending point. Water constantly moves through different stages of the cycle, such as evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.

3) "Energy for the water cycle comes from the sun." - This statement is correct. The sun provides the energy needed for the water cycle. Solar radiation heats the Earth's surface, causing water to evaporate and rise into the atmosphere. This energy also drives other processes in the water cycle, such as condensation and precipitation.

4) "Water moves from different places but does not change form." - This statement is incorrect. In the water cycle, water undergoes changes in form. It evaporates from bodies of water or living organisms, condenses into clouds, precipitates as rain, snow or other forms of precipitation, and eventually flows back into bodies of water.

Therefore, the correct statement about the water cycle is: "Energy for the water cycle comes from the sun."