A towns population has grown by 3000 people in the past 6 years. What is the towns average population growth rate per year?

To calculate the average population growth rate per year, we divide the total population growth by the number of years.

Population growth rate per year = Total population growth / Number of years

In this case, the town's population has grown by 3000 people in 6 years.

Population growth rate per year = 3000 people / 6 years = 500 people/year

Therefore, the town's average population growth rate per year is 500 people.

To calculate the average population growth rate per year, we need to divide the total population growth by the number of years.

The total population growth is 3000 people, and the number of years is 6.

To find the average growth rate per year, we divide the total population growth by the number of years:

Average growth rate per year = Total population growth / Number of years
= 3000 people / 6 years
= 500 people per year

Therefore, the town's average population growth rate per year is 500 people.

To calculate the average population growth rate per year for a town, you need to divide the total population growth by the number of years.

In this case, the town's population has grown by 3000 people over a period of 6 years. So, to find the average population growth rate, divide 3000 by 6:

Average population growth rate per year = Total population growth / Number of years
= 3000 / 6
= 500

Therefore, the town's average population growth rate per year is 500 people.