A town’s population has grown by 600 people in the last 2 years. On average, how many people will the town grow by in 5 years?(1 point)


240 people
240 people

1,500 people
1,500 people

3,000 people
3,000 people

300 people

The average growth rate over the last 2 years is 600 people/2 years = 300 people/year.

Therefore, in 5 years, the town will grow by 300 people/year * 5 years = 1500 people.
So the correct answer is 1,500 people.

To find the average number of people the town will grow by in 5 years, we can divide the total growth in 2 years by 2 to get the average annual growth rate.

In this case, the town has grown by 600 people in the last 2 years, so the average annual growth rate is 600 / 2 = 300 people per year.

Therefore, the town is expected to grow by an average of 300 people in 5 years.

To find the average number of people the town will grow by in 5 years, we need to divide the total growth over 2 years by the number of years.

Given that the town has grown by 600 people in 2 years, the average growth per year can be calculated as 600 people / 2 years = 300 people per year.

Therefore, the town is expected to grow by an average of 300 people per year for the next 5 years.