A town’s population has grown by 600 people in the last 2 years. On average, how many people will the town grow by in 5 years

A: 300 people
B: 1,500 people
C: 240 people
D: 3,000 people

To find the average number of people the town will grow by in 5 years, we need to divide the total growth in population (600 people) by the number of years (2 years).

This gives us an average growth of 600/2 = 300 people per year.
Therefore, the town will grow by an average of 300 * 5 = 1500 people in 5 years.

So, the answer is B: 1,500 people.

To find the average number of people the town will grow by in 5 years, we need to divide the total growth in population over the last 2 years by the number of years.

Given that the town's population has grown by 600 people in 2 years, the average growth per year is 600/2 = 300 people.

Therefore, the town will grow by an average of 300 people in 5 years.

Hence, the correct answer is option A: 300 people.

To find the average population growth per year, we need to divide the total population growth by the number of years. In this case, the town's population has grown by 600 people in the last 2 years.

To find the average growth per year, divide 600 by 2: 600 / 2 = 300

Therefore, the town grows by an average of 300 people per year.

Now, to determine how many people the town will grow by in 5 years, multiply the average growth per year by the number of years: 300 * 5 = 1500

Thus, the answer is B: 1,500 people.