A town's population has grown by 3,000 people in the past 6 years. What is the town's average population growth rate per year

To find the town's average population growth rate per year, we divide the total population growth by the number of years:

Average population growth rate = Total population growth / Number of years

In this case, the total population growth is 3,000 people and the number of years is 6.

Average population growth rate = 3,000 / 6 = 500 people per year

Therefore, the town's average population growth rate per year is 500 people.

To calculate the average population growth rate per year, you can divide the total population growth by the number of years.

Step 1: Calculate the average population growth per year.
Average Population Growth = Total Population Growth / Number of Years

Step 2: Plug in the given values.
Total Population Growth = 3,000 people
Number of Years = 6

Average Population Growth = 3,000 people / 6 years

Step 3: Perform the calculation.
Average Population Growth = 500 people per year

Therefore, the town's average population growth rate per year is 500 people.

To find the average population growth rate per year, you need to divide the total population growth by the number of years.

Here's how you can solve it step by step:

1. Use the formula for average rate of change:
Average Rate of Change = (Ending Value - Starting Value) / (Ending Time - Starting Time)

2. In this case, the population has grown by 3,000 people in 6 years.
Starting Value (population 6 years ago) = 0
Ending Value (current population) = 3,000
Starting Time = 0 years
Ending Time = 6 years

3. Plug these values into the formula:
Average Rate of Change = (3,000 - 0) / (6 - 0)

4. Simplify the equation:
Average Rate of Change = 3,000 / 6

5. Calculate the result:
Average Rate of Change = 500

Therefore, the town's average population growth rate per year is 500 people.