Why did Jefferson pursue a laissez-faire economic system in the United States?

(1 point)

It was a mandate following the Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court ruling.

The size of the federal government increases under a free market economy.

A free market economy was necessary for the purchase of the Louisiana territory.

Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.

Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.

The correct answer is: Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.

Explanation: Thomas Jefferson believed that a laissez-faire economic system, which is characterized by minimal government intervention and regulation, was necessary to limit the role of the federal government. He believed that individuals should have the freedom to pursue their own economic interests without interference or excessive regulation from the government. This aligns with the philosophy of limited government and individual liberty that Jefferson and his supporters embraced.

The correct answer is: Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.

To arrive at this answer, let's analyze the options:

1) It was a mandate following the Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court ruling.
The Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court ruling did establish the principle of judicial review, but it did not mandate a specific economic system like laissez-faire.

2) The size of the federal government increases under a free market economy.
The statement contradicts the principles of a free market economy, which emphasizes limited government intervention. In a laissez-faire system, the size of the federal government is intended to be limited.

3) A free market economy was necessary for the purchase of the Louisiana territory.
While the Louisiana Purchase was a significant event during Jefferson's presidency, it does not directly relate to his pursuit of a laissez-faire economic system.

4) Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.
This statement aligns with the principles of a laissez-faire economic system. Jefferson believed in reducing government interference in the economy and allowing the market to regulate itself. By implementing a free market economy, he aimed to limit the role and intervention of the federal government in economic affairs.

Hence, the correct answer is option 4: Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.