Why did Jefferson pursue a laissez-faire economic system in the United States?

(1 point)

It was a mandate following the Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court ruling.
It was a mandate following the Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court ruling.

The size of the federal government increases under a free market economy.
The size of the federal government increases under a free market economy.

A free market economy was necessary for the purchase of the Louisiana territory.
A free market economy was necessary for the purchase of the Louisiana territory.

Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.

Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.

Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.

To understand why Thomas Jefferson pursued a laissez-faire economic system in the United States, we need to review the principles and beliefs that shaped his presidency. Jefferson was a staunch advocate of limited government intervention in the economy and believed in the power of individual liberty and free trade.

One reason Jefferson pursued a laissez-faire economic system was his belief in individual liberty and limited government interference. He saw government intervention in the economy as infringing upon the rights and freedoms of individuals. Jefferson believed that individuals should be free to pursue their own economic interests without excessive regulation or intervention from the federal government.

Additionally, Jefferson believed that a free market economy would promote competition and innovation, leading to economic growth and prosperity. He saw the free market as the most efficient way to allocate resources and believed that government interference would impede economic progress.

Another factor that influenced Jefferson's pursuit of a laissez-faire economic system was the need for a free market in the context of the Louisiana Purchase. Jefferson recognized the importance of expanding American territory and believed that a free market economy was necessary for the successful integration and development of the newly acquired land. The Louisiana Purchase required the establishment of trade networks, the encouragement of settlement, and the development of commerce, all of which Jefferson believed would be best achieved through a free market system.

Overall, Jefferson pursued a laissez-faire economic system because of his belief in individual liberty, the promotion of economic growth, and the specific needs presented by the Louisiana Purchase. By implementing a free market economy, Jefferson sought to limit the role of the federal government and allow individuals and businesses to prosper through free trade and competition.