Analyze the map to determine which body of water is closest to the Mediterranean Sea.

(1 point) Responses
Nile River
Niger River
Lake Victoria
Lake Chad

Based on the given options, the Nile River is the closest body of water to the Mediterranean Sea.

To determine which body of water is closest to the Mediterranean Sea, we need to analyze the map. However, since we don't have access to a map, we can rely on general knowledge.

Based on general knowledge, we know that the Nile River is the closest body of water to the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile River flows northward through northeastern Africa and empties into the Mediterranean Sea.

Therefore, the correct answer is the Nile River.

To analyze the map and determine which body of water is closest to the Mediterranean Sea, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by locating the Mediterranean Sea on the map. It is a large body of water located along the southern coast of Europe and northern coast of Africa.

2. Next, locate each of the four options: the Nile River, Niger River, Lake Victoria, and Lake Chad. These are all significant water bodies in Africa.

3. Measure the distance between each of the options and the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. You can use a ruler or scale on the map to accurately measure the distances.

4. Compare the distances for each option. The body of water that has the shortest distance to the Mediterranean Sea is the one that is closest.

Based on the analysis, you will be able to determine which body of water is closest to the Mediterranean Sea.