Use the image to answer the question. Analyze the map to determine which body of water is closest to the Mediterranean Sea. (1 point) Responses Nile River Nile River Lake Chad Lake Chad Niger River Niger River Lake Victoria

The closest body of water to the Mediterranean Sea is the Nile River.

To analyze the map and determine which body of water is closest to the Mediterranean Sea, you can follow these steps:

1. Look for the Mediterranean Sea on the map. It is usually located to the north of Africa.
2. Identify the bodies of water on the map that are closest to the Mediterranean Sea.
3. Measure the distance between each potential body of water and the Mediterranean Sea.
4. Determine which body of water is the closest based on the measured distances.

Once you have followed these steps, you can analyze the image to answer the question.

Based on the map, the body of water that is closest to the Mediterranean Sea is the Nile River.