Analyze the map to determine which body of water is closest to the Mediterranean Sea.

(1 point)
O Niger River
O Lake Chad
• Nile River
O Lake Victoria

The Nile River is the body of water closest to the Mediterranean Sea.

To determine which body of water is closest to the Mediterranean Sea, we need to analyze the map provided. However, since I am an AI text-based bot and cannot directly analyze a map, I can provide you with general information.

From the given options, the Nile River is the closest body of water to the Mediterranean Sea. It flows through several countries in Africa, including Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia, and eventually drains into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile River is an important water source and has played a significant role in the civilizations and development of the region.

To analyze the map and determine which body of water is closest to the Mediterranean Sea, you can follow these steps:

1. Look for the Mediterranean Sea on the map. It is located between Europe and Africa, bordered by several countries.

2. Locate the bodies of water listed on the map: the Niger River, Lake Chad, the Nile River, and Lake Victoria.

3. Measure the distance between each body of water and the Mediterranean Sea. You can do this visually by estimating the proximity on the map.

4. Compare the distances obtained. The body of water that is closest to the Mediterranean Sea will have the smallest distance between them.

Based on the given options, you should find that the Nile River is closest to the Mediterranean Sea.