The picture shows solar panels that power all appliances in this house.

An oven is being used to bake cookies in this house. What energy transformations occur when baking cookies in this house?

(1 point)

light energy → electrical energy → heat energy

heat energy → electrical energy → chemical energy

heat energy → chemical energy → light energy

heat energy → light energy → chemical energy

heat energy → chemical energy → light energy

The correct energy transformations that occur when baking cookies in this house are:

(1) Light energy → electrical energy → heat energy.

The energy transformations that occur when baking cookies in a house powered by solar panels are as follows:

1. Light energy → Electrical energy: Solar panels convert sunlight, which is a form of light energy, into electrical energy. This is the first transformation that takes place when sunlight hits the solar panels on the roof of the house. The solar panels contain photovoltaic cells that are capable of converting sunlight into electricity.

2. Electrical energy → Heat energy: The electrical energy produced by the solar panels is used to power the oven in the house. When the oven is turned on to bake cookies, the electrical energy is converted into heat energy. The oven uses electrical heating elements to generate the necessary heat for baking the cookies.

Therefore, the correct answer is: light energy → electrical energy → heat energy.