I need answers for Research and Present Unit Test for Connexus for 8th grade

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Which search term would be the most effective if you were researching whether solar panels are feasible for residential use?(1 point)

solar panels feasible

solar energy useful

solar panels residential

solar energy advantages

Which source is likely the most credible?(1 point)

an advertisement by a large online store

a recent research report published by a professor

a speech given by a political candidate

a decades-old article from an encyclopedia

Which option is an example of paraphrasing done correctly?(1 point)

By 1926, Goddard had constructed and successfully tested the first rocket using liquid fuel. Indeed, the flight of Goddard’s rocket on March 16, 1926, at Auburn, Massachusetts, was as significant to history as that of the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk.

Library of Congress. “Civil War.” Library of Congress website. Accessed March 26, 2020.

According to the United States Geological Survey, “one-third of the planet’s amphibian species are threatened with extinction.” (USGS 2016)

The Civil War tore apart the nation as states fought one another from 1861 to 1865. When the war ended, 750,000 Americans had died, and 4 million people had been freed from slavery. Despite the costs, the war kept the states together as a country and redefined the nation. (National Park Service 2018)

Which option shows the correct use of quotations?(1 point)

United States Geological Survey. “Saving Salamanders: Vital to Ecosystem Health.” USGS website. Released December 13, 2016.

According to NASA, Dr. Robert Goddard had a “lifetime of devoted research and testing.” (NASA 2017)

Dr. Robert Goddard devoted his life to scientific research and testing. (NASA 2017)

The Civil War tore apart the nation as states fought one another from 1861 to 1865. When the war ended, 750,000 Americans had died, and 4 million people had been freed from slavery.

Use the sentences to answer the question.

Troy is learning about the environment for his school project. He finds a chart that compares the amount of waste per person per year in different countries.

Which of the following can Troy assume is the idea that is presented in the chart?

(1 point)
People should stop producing waste.

America produces the most waste.

Different countries produce different amounts of waste.

Waste has an impact on the environment

Which option shows an example of organization by cause and effect?(1 point)

Because the city had to reschedule the parade, the famous director was no longer available to be grand marshal.

On July 5, the famous director canceled his appearance. By July 7, the council was exploring new options.

The local author is available on the parade date, but hates crowds. On the other hand, the movie star loves crowds, but may not be available on the parade date.

The parade needs a grand marshal, and the council could choose a local celebrity, someone nationally known, or perhaps a political figure.

How is a speaker’s argument evaluated?(1 point)

by describing the speaker’s claims

by continuing the argument

by examining the argument’s parts

by determining if the speaker’s ideas are interesting

Use the sentence to answer the question.

Studies show that children who set their own bedtimes get less sleep each night compared to those whose parents set their bedtimes.

How should this sentence be classified?

(1 point)

as an argument

as a claim

as sound reasoning

as evidence

Which type of argument is about an idea being rejected because of an unsupported belief that other undesirable events could follow?(1 point)

an evidence based argument

a sound reason argument

a slippery slope argument

a convincing argument

I dont really care for the writing I need the answers

To effectively research whether solar panels are feasible for residential use, the most effective search term would be "solar panels residential."

The most credible source would likely be a recent research report published by a professor. This is because research reports are typically based on thorough research and conducted by experts in the field, making them more reliable and credible than other sources such as advertisements, speeches by political candidates, or decades-old articles from encyclopedias.

An example of paraphrasing done correctly is: "By 1926, Goddard had constructed and successfully tested the first rocket using liquid fuel. Indeed, the flight of Goddard’s rocket on March 16, 1926, at Auburn, Massachusetts, was as significant to history as that of the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk." This example effectively rephrases the original text while maintaining the key information and context.

The correct use of quotations is shown in the sentence: "According to NASA, Dr. Robert Goddard had a 'lifetime of devoted research and testing.' (NASA 2017)" This example uses quotation marks to directly quote the specific statement from NASA.

From the given options, Troy can assume that the idea presented in the chart is that different countries produce different amounts of waste.

An example of organization by cause and effect is shown in the sentence: "Because the city had to reschedule the parade, the famous director was no longer available to be grand marshal." This sentence clearly presents the cause (rescheduling the parade) and its effect (the famous director being unavailable).

A speaker's argument is evaluated by examining the argument's parts. This involves analyzing the evidence, reasoning, and logical structure of the argument to assess its validity and strength.

The sentence "Studies show that children who set their own bedtimes get less sleep each night compared to those whose parents set their bedtimes" can be classified as evidence. It presents an empirical observation or finding from studies that supports a certain claim or conclusion.

A slippery slope argument is about an idea being rejected because of an unsupported belief that other undesirable events could follow.

In 3–5 sentences, describe the process of conducting a research project.(4 points)

Think of a topic related to energy that you would like to research. In 3–5 sentences, describe how you would use search terms to effectively find information about the topic. Include the specific search terms you would use and explain how you would refine your search.(4 points)

In 3–5 sentences, identify at least three questions that should be asked to determine whether a source is credible.(4 points)

In 1–2 sentences, explain what plagiarism is and how to avoid plagiarism when using the information of others.(2 points)

A student is attempting to convince their parents that they need a cell phone. Write a paragraph that provides sound reasoning explaining why this student should be allowed to have a phone.(4 points)

No one will write your assignment for you, but someone may be able to check it if you post what you write.